I got lucky!


Player of all consoles!
Today I went down to my local shopping center with one thing in mind: to get a copy of DKCR with my Christmas money.

I went into one store... No copies, price was $89. I head to another store... Still NO copies, but if they had it it would be $88.

I went into my favorite retailer for video games having spotted it there as I walked past... $99, on sale for $98. But I knew that they 'price-match'.

As I walked up, the person at the counter said "Whoa. You are pretty lucky. That is the LAST copy of the game in the whole center. The manager brought that one in himself just this morning cause we ran out."

How lucky was that?

This has happened once before, but I wasn't there. At the same shopping center, shortly after Super Smash Bros. Melee was released. My parents picked it up and bought it, and where than told it was the last copy in the whole center.

The game seemed to have tons of copies before Christmas, but now they struggle to keep the game in stock. Just like Super Mario All Stars (25th Anniversary edition) was so popular they where sold out within a week.
That is lucky. You should come to the GameStop one town away from ours. It's as if no one bought any copies of it. xD In fact I don't think they did there. They were trying to sell me the game even as I was leaving. Ah that was funny.

Anyway have fun with your new game. (And don't throw your controller out of impossibility. Wii Remotes are not indestructible. I should know. I've broken 2 of them and a knunchuck.)
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WHAT!?!?!?! Around 100 bucks? I would've figured it would've been like 50 or 60 but $90-$100? That's outrageous.
Wait, what game was this? Why was it so insanely expensive?
I completely misread the topic title.
Yeah, I did too but I figured it out as it was loading.

100 dollars for it? That's not fair at all. Seems like they're just trying to see what they could get away with. Oh they'll buy our games at 40, 50, 60, how about 70? Ya know what, lets just round up. 100. Seems more like extortion if you ask me.
He's talking about the price in terms of the Australian dollar.
