I hate the dentist...

Now that I think about it, since I love to read then I should get something on audiobook and just listen to that while they're working.

That's sure to irrritate them as they try to berate you for your daily habits.
I would love it if they added a TV so that I don't have to worry about what's happening in my mouth. Just add a little screen near the light that they move over your head.
Oh. My dentist says I'm actually good. He said I'm in the 98% to 99% range, meaning there are very few of his patients that are better than me as far as taking care of their teeth. Last time he looked at my teeth, he looked up at the hygenist and said "What am I looking at here?"
Oh. My dentist says I'm actually good. He said I'm in the 98% to 99% range, meaning there are very few of his patients that are better than me as far as taking care of their teeth. Last time he looked at my teeth, he looked up at the hygenist and said "What am I looking at here?"

How cute. Guess you don't eat anything sweet or drink soda?