I have finally done it (Luigi's Mansion 2 related)...


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I have officially beaten Hunter Mode, 25 floors on Expert.

On my own. No team.

No, I am not joking. I finally beat the hardest mode in the tower with no help whatsoever. Here's a picture of my best time to prove it:


And a video:


I guess virtually impossible isn't quite the same as impossible after all...

Surprisingly though, it wasn't actually as hard as I thought it'd be. I mean sure, the enemies combos got ridiculous (like how most floors had about three Gobbers and one Strong Gobber, or the rooms with things like two Strong Hiders, three Strong Sneakers and multiple Strong Greenies), but damn the upgrades get good when you end up with over 20 000 gold.

I mean, the last suction upgrade is darn nice. Permanent X3 power? Yes please! Add this to the X3 suction power up you can get, and you end up with something like 9 times the power of the normal Poltergust 5000, which was actually enough for me to destroy a 600 HP Gobber boss in just over 30 seconds flat!

The Heart Drops are all right too, they give you something like 10 hearts at the start of the level. That's quite useful.

There were some tough scrapes though... like when Luigi ended up with just TWO health. Not 12, nor 20. Just 2. As in a Spider touching him would kill him there and then. Thankfully I found health quick there.

I also had the misfortune to come across the key glitch at floor 23 or so, but thankfully the floor had three locked doors and hence there was a spare key to use. I eventually finished with just 4 seconds on the clock.

But yes, it's finally done. I've finally beaten the hardest possible mode in ScareScraper without even a team to back me up.
I'll have to try (and most likely fail) that when I get Luigi's Mansion 2. Still, you never know. Maybe I'll be lucky?
The shear fact that you made it to the end without the key glitch stopping you amazes me alone. Great work! You rock gobbers anyway. I get owned by them lol
Wow, congrats! I've barely touched Luigi's Mansion:grin:ark Moon since I refuse to get any further unless I get the 3 star ranking. I'll have to play it more often..
And here's proof of the other Expert ScareScraper I beat, the 10 floor one:


So that's all three Expert Hunter ScareScrapers now complete. The weird thing is, I think ten floors is actually harder than twenty five, simply because it's between floors 5 and about 15 where things can easily go horribly wrong.

The two reasons for this are thus:

1. You have no level 3 A Pull meter or suction upgrades. Hence you can't take off half an enemy's health in one blast, nor use a combo of the Super Poltergust + X2/X3 bonus power up to take an enemy down in about ten seconds. Add the fact that this is where Strong Hiders, Sneakers, Gobbers, etc become common, and it's very very difficult to do solo. The later levels are a tad migitated by the the fact you've pretty much upgraded the Poltergust into the ghost busting equivalent of a rocket launcher.

2. The game probably throws harder enemies at you more quickly in 'shorter' ScareScrapers/Thrill Towers. This is likely because the designers realised that 25 floors takes long enough (about 1.5-2 hours) that pure fatigue alone could wear you down, whereas for 10 floors they need to kill you quickly.
I didn't unlock anything here. I guess I would have unlocked endless mode if I hadn't unlocked it already (you get that for clearing a 25 floor ScareScraper/Thrill Tower on any difficulty level), but nothing specific.
You and I should do endless mode some day. Thats a great achievement you did there.
you did a great job there! i wish that i got that game! i got the lego game instead because of costs and its fun!
Unfortunately (to both Mariz and MarioThrPlumber), I can't play this game any more. It broke:

My 3ds friend code is 2079 7392 3918. My friend name is Fabiz. I have 3 e.gadds medals in Luigi's Mansion 2. Register me in your list of friends. X Nin3ds :luigi: