IDC Predicts Sluggish Windows Phone Sales Growth


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Despite all the effort Microsoft has put into the launch of Windows 10, IDC does not expect Microsoft’s share of the smartphone OS market to grow much over the coming years. In 2015, IDC expects the average selling price (ASP) of Windows Phones to be $148, which is $71 lower than Android’s ASP of $219. This was brought about by the Microsoft/Nokia push into the low-end mass market. While this approach helped drive shipments up to 34.9 million units in 2014, IDC is forecasting a year-over-year decline of -10.2% in 2015, followed by further decline in 2016. The weak results can largely be attributed to the lack of OEM partner support.

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I wonder, if there will be any growth for Windows Phone now that people can buy Android phones which are sometimes cheaper, and have more good apps than Windows Phone. Blackberry phones are also getting better where they are a good alternative to Android, Windows Phone, and iPhone.