If you were a Video-Game Character who would you be?


Insane, but humble
If you were a Video-Game Character who would you be?
There are many choices. You can be Mario, Samus, Link, Sonic, or anyone else you can think of! (Must be in at least one video game obviously)

I would pick......... Hmm..... Mario? Sure! He's been in tons of types of games! Action, fighting, 2D plat-formers, 3D plat-formers, racing ect. He's my kinda guy!

So who would you pick?
Link or Ness. I mean Link has a sword and he's the most BA dude in Hyrule. While Ness has psychic abilities.
Yoshi,or maybe a 1-up mushroom
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The 2009 Prince of Persia... Why? Cuz he is fit, can run walls, has a hot chick following him where ever he goes and HE CAN'T DIE!!!!!! Best power you can ask for
I think Waka. Although Souji Seta or Sho Minamimoto would also be interesting.
Link. Because it would be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting exploring Hyrule, and using a sword instead of a gun.

Imagine meeting Zelda characters!

However, if it was in real life I would still pick Link. Seriously, I just love him and I dunno why XD
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The non-whiny version of Samus. I can kick butt, explore the galaxy, and look smoking hot in a bikini.
Maybe this guy: Tohno Shiki (Probably might change my mind sooner or later.)
I careless about the lovey dove things he does with his vampire girlfriend Arcueid Brunestud. -->

I'll be able to see death in people. Heh heh heh...
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