If you were invisible...


And here we are!
Full GL Member
If you were invisible, you would....?
I'd get away from bad people and take advantage of every situation I was in, like if someone was talking about me.
It's because I'm cool really
I'm suddenly reminded of the Wonderwoman, Superman and the Invisible Man joke. I don't know if I can post it here.
its more funny then dirty though
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Run up behind everyone whom I hate and YOINK! There goes the pants!

And I'd also do that to everyone at my school who thought wearing their pants halfway down their butt was 'cool'.

And at the whole school detention I had last year, I would've gone up to the principal, picked her up, turned her upside down, shake her, put her back upright, and run out of the detention to enjoy my lunch break.
Steal lots o' things cuz I'm evil like that. Though it'd look weird to see Floating 3DS cases floating from Walmart.
Run up behind everyone whom I hate and YOINK! There goes the pants!

And I'd also do that to everyone at my school who thought wearing their pants halfway down their butt was 'cool'.

And at the whole school detention I had last year, I would've gone up to the principal, picked her up, turned her upside down, shake her, put her back upright, and run out of the detention to enjoy my lunch break.
I'd probably like to do that too. Except I'd slap them with a boot as well.
ooooh! I'd also use it to fight crime!

It's a give and take from society.
Oh i know! I would sneak into the Nintendo headquarter and get myself a copy of Zelda and Metal Gear Solid early!! Who knows, maybe a prototype Wii 2 while I'm at it.. why not?
I'd be a supervillain and take over the world. I don't care if you can't do much with invisibility, I wanna rule the world dammit!
I'd become a half-hero and half-villain type of person. For example, I kill the guard to a secret facility prison ruled by fiends, but let the person do the escaping themselves for most of it.
I would pose as a ghost and haunt the girls locker room. Then go boooooooooo...bies.

No really though I'd haunt the school, tip over desks, and punch people I don't like in the face.
I would pose as a ghost and haunt the girls locker room. Then go boooooooooo...bies.

No really though I'd haunt the school, tip over desks, and punch people I don't like in the face.
Bahahahaha xD I might do the same.

...or go "borrow" a 3DS from the store.
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I might steal NintenDan's panties and open an auction in ebay~
And see how much money can I get from selling his panties...
Then I will buy the 3DS games with that money ~ ~ ~

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I would steal shit all day erry day and become lord of a third world country.
Depends how you turn invisible...
Like is it whatever you touch?
Can I turn things invisible?
Do I have to take off my clothes? (I would anyway of course.)