I'm Currently Playing Skyward Sword. Ask Me Anything.


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Before I begin, I want to explain a few things:

As of 11/11/11, an NTSC-US copy of Skyward Sword has been leaked onto the internet. I really don't want to get deep into the subject of piracy but I'll say that I don't support the leak. I rather people show their appreciation for the hard working developers and purchase the game, especially with the goodies it comes with.

Saying that, it just so happens on the same day we, at the store I work at, have received one copy of SS from our supplier. Me being the only employee who owns a Wii have been given a chance to play it. It's more or less "Hush, hush" but since I love you guys and gals, I will answer any questions you direct to me with the best of my ability. I'm not too far into the game yet, just got done with the intro bit but I'll try to keep you updated as I progress at each, I guess you can say, milestone.

I know there are many out there who rather be unspoiled and experience this amazing game for their selves. I respect that very much because heck, even I have been avoiding as much spoilers as I could. So i'll hide any plot revealing info with Spoiler code.

None the less, I'm super stoked to have the opportunity to play this game right now and I hope I can fill you in as much as I can.
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How's the story and smoothness of the game?
Is it good.
Far be it from me to rain on your bonfire, so to speak, but couldn't this get this website sued if Nintendo got wind of it?
No. The info is all over Youtube, various sites, etc, many of which are even playing with a pirated/cracked version. Besides, I get that ISP protection deal thing, they ask me to remove it first, and I oblige, and don't get sued.
How's the story and smoothness of the game?

So far it's pretty interesting. The story in the beginning is very centered on the concept of young love and romance between Zelda and Link. It also focuses on Link's opportunity to become a Knight. As the story folds out you start getting hints of Skyward Sword's connection to the other Zelda games.

Link has to complete his test in order to become a Skyloft Knight by racing his bird and getting to the statue first. The three other contenders hid his bird in order for him to miss his chance of becoming one. This is mainly due to Groose, the leader of the group. He the one most jealous of Zelda and Link's closeness and wants to cheat his way to Zelda's heart. It backfires because Zelda has absolutely no interest in anyone but Link.

Is it good.

It's very good.

How good is the music on it?

The music is beautiful. The transitioning from being in one area to the other is a nice effect.

How much damage do the enemies do if they hit you?

On average small enemie's like Keese take about half a heart. Other enemies like Chu take a whole heart.

Far be it from me to rain on your bonfire, so to speak, but couldn't this get this website sued if Nintendo got wind of it?

It's more like raining on my parade. Heh, j/k. It shouldn't be a problem. I'm not distributing the game in any shape or form pertaining to piracy. The copy I'm using is legit. We usually get our copies early from developers like Insomniac, Epic, Nintendo, etc. to try out in order to better advertise and sell. This site is most likely not high priority on Nintendo's radar considering there are other sites out their unfortunately illegally distributing the game right now.
Save points are a bit annoying but not game breaking. They remind me of the Owl statues from Majora's Mask. Only this time you don't have to worry about starting over if you don't save again and you use them to return to the sky on your Loftwing. All I can say is that if you need to save, most likely there's going to be a statue close by because it felt like as soon as I saved at one statue, bam, there's another.

Edit: The one positive thing I forgot to mention about save statues are when you are in temples. The ones inside are scattered in multiple rooms. So if you decide to save and quit, you'll start from the last statue you saved at. Basically it's a replacement of the Ooccoo and Farore's Wind. Also you can leave anytime outside with any statue.
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I'll let you know as soon as I get it. I've completed the Forest/Skyview Temple in the Faron Woods and so far I'm about a little over 7 hours into the game, yet I'm only headed to the second Temple in Eldin. With both side quests and the main story, it goes to show you how serious they were when they said that SS was going to be at least 50-100 hours long.

Also the more I play the more I'm loving traveling by Loftwing. It doesn't feel like a chore to travel and the orchestrated music along with flying the bird makes it feel very epic. What's also helpful is when you're traveling to a new destination and feel that you may get lost by pressing C on the nunchuck you can place a marker anywhere on the map. By doing so you can see a blue beam of light showing you the way. Very convenient.

For those wondering what Zelda's face is doing on the Gear screen:

You can use the Goddess Sword to dowse her location. In other words, it's basically a detector you can use by pointing the sword in any direction. As you get closer the signal gets louder. Also this is not limited by Zelda's aura only. As you travel and meet certain folks (such as the Kikwi in Faron Woods), you can use the same feature to scan for their auras too.