I'm getting an ad for http://www.fun-online-game.com/ with a cat picture on the ad.


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The ad suddenly start showing up on the top of the forum on Feb 19.


Did GamingLatest start adding ads to the top of the forum?
Thanks for the reply. I'm excited to see GL 2.0.

I'm fine with the ad, and will bear with it for a few months.
They need to pay a better graphic designer to make their banners :c
I like that this ad has pale colors instead of just using bright colors which can be too bright to view on a dark room.
Oh....I didn't really click that one, but I thought it's a gaming latest event.
Guess I am way off on that.
Well, it's not a bother at all...and if it helps the funding then it's all good.
Think about it. The evil-looking cat with the horrible art skills is still in play. You've answered your own question :3
It can be kept in because it pays off, can also be kept in because it doesn't pay off yet, but the staff is still trying.
Or it can be kept simply because it looks nice.

So no, I didn't answer my own question, neither did anyone else yet.
It can be kept in because it pays off, can also be kept in because it doesn't pay off yet, but the staff is still trying.
Or it can be kept simply because it looks nice.

So no, I didn't answer my own question, neither did anyone else yet.
"Or it can be kept simply because it looks nice."
^ You're messing with me, right? ;~;

Normally when people buy ads, they set a certain time frame to keep it up.
Down with the cat. Down with the cat.

Come on people, say it with me.. Down with the cat :grin: It's finally gone ^^