Ingrown toenail

Yes human bodies are all "different". Every Dr also got their own views too and thus even in the medical world all medical stuff is always debated by them too themselves with newer scientific finding and stuff. Human Medical stuff is a really complex thing and it's not exact science so nothing is completely right or wrong in a sense. And I never trust any dr. 100% they are not always right too in analyzing our bodies. And also Drs also like to "sell" vitamins or supplements or new drugs to us too sometimes because they get a commission from the drugs or certain vitamin/supplement brands that they made a deal with, from the sales.

Yes the excess will go to urine along with all other excess vitamins and other excess chemicals from the body that can be processed by the kidneys into urine. But it does not change the fact that the risks are there. If your Dr did not mention the risks than he/she is not a very good dr imo And not to mention you are putting an extra strain on your kidneys by having them to process that many biotin too. And you can easily stay hydrated too without having to put any extra strain on your kidneys.
Hard agree here. I completely agree with you here and it is why I have had my Drs. be surprised by how healthy my husband and I are despite us not meeting the threshold of what the dominant society has considered healthy, and whenever they have asked me why that was, I always told them that they should have studied from the medical textbooks that said that Black people could feel pain, rather than relying on the old books that said we didn't. I have a Dr. that was annoyed by the fact that her curriculum relied on that racist trope.

The bright side of it, is that this racist belief has largely spared our community from the opioid epidemic, but unfortunately the ultimately dark side of it, is that this belief is the reason why the Black maternal mortality rate is so fucking high in this country. Quite frankly, I would probably be safer giving birth in my ancestral village in Africa, where they'd likely call me "Mzungu" than I would here in this country. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to do so since the travel there would still be cheaper than the bill I'd get here for giving birth.

But yeah that is the major grievance many people share with the medical industry in this country.

But yeah, I tend to look at Drs. offices with the drug pamphlets like NASCAR jackets and vehicles.. full of sponsors and quite frankly we should do the same to Congress this way we know which politician is owned by which company.

But aside from that, I rely on the stuff my great-grandmother taught me, natural remedied as well as Dr. reccomendations. I prefer my Jack Herer vape to manage my ADHD compared to Ritalin.. which my Mom said made me a zombie when I was a kid, and unlike Rx drugs like Ritalin, my JH vape is good for depression, anxiety and a side benefit is appetite control, and with it being 55+% sativa, it is a stimulent that is more effective than caffeine, so it is good for activity, but, the appetite suppression throws me into hypoglycemia because it also boosts the Metformin I take for diabetes. So I don't use my JH as much since I figured this out.

Compare that with the side effects for Ritalin and the other drugs for anxiety and depression and things get dangerous and expensive very quickly.
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Honestly I only had one bad day of pain and slight moments of irritation with everything. Right now, more pain than anything else.

That infected, even clearing it out my skin was still puffy and not right looking and the new nail looked like it wasn't growing right.

Yeah looked into that already, think I'll just stick with my gummies.
Are you taking anything for the pain? Ibuprofen or Aleve usually helps me when I get an ingrown toe nail.
Are you taking anything for the pain? Ibuprofen or Aleve usually helps me when I get an ingrown toe nail.

Ibuprofen on the one day it was major bad some weeks ago, been taking it since the surgery, but I think I can start backing off from it soon, hopefully.