Installing a PC game back in the 1990s


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Today, its rather easy to install games on a game console or PC, but in the image above for Wing Commander 2, installing games way back in the 80s and 90s was a bit hellish. The time you spend today waiting for a game to download was the time it took to install a game way back then with more headaches than you can endure.

It was so hellish, the install set up came with a very dire warning page.

Thank god for modern GUI. Scrolling through the comments in the article above will show the horrors of installing an OS, gruesome!
You know i completely forgot about this, You didnt excatly have internet to download your games you had these crappy floppies
lolll they took so long to load. You tried installing a simple game and loading time "32 days 21 hours" popped up. God I remember I tried so hard to install The Sims 2 but it would never really load so I'd just keep playing with the memory card game (anyone remember those?) and hoped to see the loading bar fill. It never did.
Definitely not too enjoyable. Today I get annoyed when a game takes over 5 minutes to download/install, but looking back, can't really complain.
I got my first Computer at early 1999, with windows 98 OS installed and plenty of 31/2 inch 1.44 Mb floppy disks. Gosh, I remember pretty well how fragile they were, and when they got stuck inside the driver, what a pain in the ass.