Intel launches Optane memory with cache acceleration for PCs


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Today, the company is announcing its PC client version. The new drives will ship in 16GB and 32GB capacities. They’re mostly intended to serve as cache drives for mechanical hard disks, as opposed to being primary storage for an OS or games.

Intel is making some impressive claims about Optane’s ability to accelerate performance in desktop workloads for all types of users. But it’s not clear how much Optane’s performance actually differs from an SSD cache drive.

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Optane Memory maybe useful for game consoles where users want fast load times, but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a console with 32GB of RAM like Gaming PC users.
so cheaper method to SSD?
so cheaper method to SSD?

I think Optane is mainly designed as a cheaper alternative to faster and more expensive DDR RAM like DDR4 which can cost many hundreds of dollars depending on how much RAM, and what speed of RAM you have installed on your PC. Optane is not meant for storing data, and is used more like virtual RAM like the Windows' page/swap file or Window's Readyboost which simulate RAM when your PC is running low on RAM.

Optane maybe more expensive per GB than a full size SSD since the Optane Memory come with 16 or 32 GB capacity. If the Optane Memory Chips was cheaper, I think Intel would of add more GB to Optane.

Intel Optane works on SSD drives as well. Optane may also improve the speed of operating systems which can run off of a slower USB Storage drive, and Disc like a CD-R disc like some Linux based operating systems.