Intellivision® Amico™ | Family Trailer


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At Intellivision, our mission is to use technology to bring family and friends back together by delivering simple, affordable, family-focused entertainment to everyone.

Amico looks like a decent family friendly game console. I hope the games are affordable.
This marketing just wants to make its own problems. I have a family, right? And they don't want to play anyways. Playing alone is an asset in it itself where you can have memories, not like others. To be different and have your own tastes. Imagine playing this console and having no one to play with you anyways so you are stuck looking at something that has no value to you. Simple isn't fun. It's degrading in demeanor. This console is not a friend of mine. It is the friend of my enemy.
I think the Amico's controller kind of look like the Microsoft Zune Digital Media Controller.

The Zune did have a few games.

Aesthetically yes, button layout and functionality no. The Zune doesn't have the dial, and the Amico has buttons on the sides instead to compensate, giving you slight variations in gameplay.
I like that the controller has a small colored touchscreen which can be used to play games. The controller also has motion controls as well which can be useful for playing sports and racing games.