Interesting blog on really old Nintendo products


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As the title says, it seems to cover all their toys and products made before the original Donkey Kong arcade game, because Nintendo were in business for more than seventy years before then.

Pretty interesting too, to see all the stuff they made before video games were even invented.
70 years? Nintendo were founded in 1889.
That blog only covers the toys they've made, though. Nintendo have had loads of other ventures in the past, too. Such as a cab company, and a misguided venture into the Love Hotel business.
I want that ultra hand.

I'm sure everyone else in this thread is gonna say the same exact thing.
Ooh, very interesting! What a great idea for a blog! The author(s) seem to spend a lot of time and research on each post. I will definitely have to check out this blog from time to time, thank for sharing it!
Nintendo has done so much weird stuff in their past, and to have come to the point where there's a forum created about their games is kind of... amazing, to say the least, hah.

Great blog though, I bet that dude is proud of his collection.