Introducing Microsoft Surface Laptop 4

This laptop look thin. I wish it had more USB ports.

problem with thin laptops, no USBs. I heard they are trying to phase out USBs, which I can't see happening.
problem with thin laptops, no USBs. I heard they are trying to phase out USBs, which I can't see happening.

I feel USB won't be phased out or it will take many years to phase out USB because many people still own a lot of USB devices, and use the USB port to charge their smartphone, digital camera, and tablet.
I'm surpised they haven't come out with a smaller USB end piece, so you can stick more ports on a PC.

Disabled people with a hand or arm disability or bad vision may prefer a larger USB plug piece, and port, so it is easier to plug in, and see if they have problems seeing the plug because of poor eye sight.
It looks great!

It's thin and I am sure its still strong. I would probably get it. My laptop is on it's last legs as far as I know xD