iPhone 7 Plus Hissing Sound Problem?


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The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are hissing. Is this no big deal or the beginning of #Hissgate ?

I wonder if having a thick protective rubber case and screen protector make the hissing sound quieter.

I think the hiss sound is not a big deal if you mostly use headphones to listen to audio, and use a headset to make calls. But, the hiss sound maybe annoying if you use your phones speakers and microphone a lot.

If you use your iPhone 7 for recording audio, buying an external mic with a long audio cable for your iPhone would be a good idea.
Any reason as to why there is a hissing noise?
Any reason as to why there is a hissing noise?

I think it could be the sound of electrical components using a lot of power like resisters, capacitors, battery, and other components making noise when they use a lot of power sort of like some old TVs, monitors, and speakers which make hissing noises when they are on.

Sometimes, strong power lines and electrical plants make a hissing or humming sound which is the sound of electricity passing through the power cables.
But no other phone does it though?

There are other smartphones and tablets which run Google Android that has a hissing sound it since I read on forum posts about hissing which say they hear a hissing sound from their smartphone or tablet when CPU usage is high.

I think this maybe the first iPhone where a lot of users hear the hissing sound when CPU usage is high.