iPod Makes A Resurgence In Apple Sales


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I feel Apple discontinuing the iPod is the main reason for the resurgence in sales. People who wanted an iPod may more likely buy the iPod before it is sold out at most stores.
I wonder if anyone is buying it and hoping it increases in value one day in the future, especially if they keep it boxed.
I wonder if anyone is buying it and hoping it increases in value one day in the future, especially if they keep it boxed.
Same with me or just to have to show future generations how we listen to music before smart phones and other means of listening to music became popular.
I wonder if anyone is buying it and hoping it increases in value one day in the future, especially if they keep it boxed.
Probably, but the problem is that if too many people do it, it becomes basically worthless. You see that in a lot of collectibles after a certain point.

Most of the time it will be the original one that’s actually worth money and not a random one. So the first iPod touch would be worth something sealed, but this one probably isn’t going to go for much more than retail price at best.
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I wonder if anyone is buying it and hoping it increases in value one day in the future, especially if they keep it boxed.

I think scalpers may buy the iPod Touch to try to sell it for a higher price.

Some people without a faster smartphone or tablet may also be more likely to buy the iPod Touch to play iOS games and use Apps because the Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X and other gaming devices are out of stock at many stores because of the worldwide game console shortage.
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Most likely scalpers hoping to get in once they become rare enough.
Rising prices because of inflation can be causing more people to buy the iPod Touch instead of the latest iPad and iPhone which is more expensive. Many buyers now have less money to spend on electronics like the iPod Touch and tablets because of rising prices for food, gas, electricity, and rent which is causing them to spend more money than a few months a go. An iPod touch maybe a more attractive choice for poorer people than buying an iPad or iPhone which costs more money.

The iPod Touch is currently the cheapest new device which can use iOS apps and play iOS games.
This is just good press for Apple even if they never bring the concept back. I never found the real reason to have one. as they have limited uses that can be done in other ways, but the same can be said for printed trading cards. Maybe there are parts in these that can be repurposed for hobbyists. Which in turn know about this, and tell other people who might do the same.
This is just good press for Apple even if they never bring the concept back. I never found the real reason to have one. as they have limited uses that can be done in other ways, but the same can be said for printed trading cards. Maybe there are parts in these that can be repurposed for hobbyists. Which in turn know about this, and tell other people who might do the same.
The iPod Touch is literally just an iphone without cell service and a smaller battery, and even have the exact same CPU. So there isn't anything that you can't do on an old iPhone.

People used to buy these to also develop iOS apps on, but with the huge gaps in hardware updates, it was more effective, and cheaper to buy an older iPhone.
The iPod Touch is literally just an iphone without cell service and a smaller battery, and even have the exact same CPU. So there isn't anything that you can't do on an old iPhone.

People used to buy these to also develop iOS apps on, but with the huge gaps in hardware updates, it was more effective, and cheaper to buy an older iPhone.

Not to mention to push the brand more.