Is it easier to hide electronic instruments from people like Strict Parents or girlfriend?


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There are strict people like parents or some girlfriends who don't want their kids or boyfriend to play musical instrument, so people with strict parents, or girlfriend may hide their electronic musical instruments until they figure out how to tell them about their hobby for playing music without causing too much disagreements.

I think most types of electronic instruments like electric Piano/keyboard and smaller size electric guitar maybe easier to hide than similar acoustic musical instruments like Piano which look more difficult to control the volume because a real piano uses a small hammer hitting a string inside the piano to make a musical note which travel through the air. But, electronic instruments are like computers and radios which have volume level control buttons to set the volume very low, or users can use the headphone jack to use headphones to play music where the music is harder to hear unless the listeners are in the same room, or sitting right next to the person's headphone while he is playing a electrical instruments.

There are smaller sized electric piano, guitar, and other instruments where they are small enough where you can hide them under your bed, behind furniture, in a closet, or inside a regular looking box or suitcase.

I seen a electric guitar which is as small as a small ruler, so you can hide it in a back pack, or shoe box. There are some small musical keyboard/Piano which can connect to a USB port on a PC, so users can hide these music keyboards inside a small box.
I don't approve of hiding things from your girlfriend. That's a dishonest relationship. If she doesn't approve of your hobbies, either reach a compromise or break up. As for parents, once you're 18, it's not their problem what you do with your life anymore.
I don't think you can really hide anything like that for the fact your parents will see you carrying it around and your gf will only be mad that you hide anything from her.
I don't think you can really hide anything like that for the fact your parents will see you carrying it around and your gf will only be mad that you hide anything from her.

Some people may want to surprise their parents or girlfriend by playing a song well before telling them of their hobby because they may think their parents or girlfriends are more likely approve of a hobby if they can play a few songs which sound good.

There are some mini-sized electric guitars which are simple to hide in a box, desk drawer, or shopping bag.

If you want a bigger small-sized electric guitar there are half-sized electric guitars which are thinner than an acoustic guitar, and shorter than a regular size electric guitar. Some toy boxes for larger toys, or old game console boxes may fit smaller guitars in a box.

A MIDI electronic keyboard is very small because it is mostly digital, and the keys use up most of the space, but the keyboard can be hidden inside a small box or desk drawer when not in use.

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