Is it old fashion to use the phone to do most tasks like surveys, sell stuff, and ask for donations?


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I think it is somewhat old fashion to call people with a phone to ask them to do a survey, buy something or ask for donations when these companies can use a website, mobile app, or social network to ask people to do their survey, buy their product, or donate to their cause.
Old Fashion? No, but it is how scams work these days.
Old Fashion? No, but it is how scams work these days.

A lot of uncareful people trust a person with a friendly voice, or take orders from a person with an angry voice who pretend to be someone like a judge, police officer.

I think a lot of companies still get hacked by someone who uses a phone call to pretend to be an employee at a company, and ask the tech workers to give them the password to access an employees e-mail account, or another type of account on the network.
A lot of uncareful people trust a person with a friendly voice, or take orders from a person with an angry voice who pretend to be someone like a judge, police officer.

I think a lot of companies still get hacked by someone who uses a phone call to pretend to be an employee at a company, and ask the tech workers to give them the password to access an employees e-mail account, or another type of account on the network.

I just know you can't say Yes on the phone or that alone gives them the ability to start creating stuff in your name.
I think most people see this kind of thing as a scam nowadays, and I think most people would therefore not do it at all.

I agree, the TV news does warn people to not give out your personal information over the phone, and websites which you don't trust. Plus, it is not very hard to disguise the Caller ID to change the name and number being shown on the caller ID display on a phone. The news said that scammers are now changing the Caller ID's name and number to look like the police station, and other government numbers.

It is safer to type in a website address on a web browser, or go to the company's building like a bank, store, or charity building to do tasks like do surveys, banking, sell and buy stuff, and donate money. You never know for sure who is phoning you, or if someone stole or bought someones' old phone number.