Is online flash gaming the most convenient form of gaming?


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Yes since all you have to do is open a web browser and go to Miniclips, addicting games, or some other site to play flash games. Plus, if you have broadband Cable, DSL, or faster internet, Flash games load pretty quickly.

If you are flash download savvy, you can just download the .swf (flash game) file from the website and open it from your computer, so it loads almost instantly, or you can make a Flash website and run the website from your web browser via HTML files with the embedded flash games.
Technically it is, yes. :grin:

But it is not the most enjoyable form of gaming. :grin:
Lol, I agree flash gaming can be kind of unenjoyable due to lack of multiplayer, and a lot of other features.

But, there are a few fun flash games on the internet which people made which were pretty fun. I played a Sonic the hedgehog flash game, and Super Mario game, and I found it pretty enjoyable.
Yes flash gaming can be the most convenient but its not that fun. This is because it lacks to store a lot of information that awesome games need such as multiplayer mmos like World of Warcraft.
Many flash games look cheap and cartoony to me and are pretty minimal. They are ok for time killing but otherwise; blah.
Flash games are more convienent but they just aren't as fun as games where you download or games you get from CDs and stuff.
Flash games are mostly boring, unless you are on a break at lunch or something. Brower-based games are getting better though, with MMOs being developed. Its pretty impressive what they can put in browser-based games now.