Is the internet making more people earn some money per month?


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The internet may make fewer people not to earn any money per month because of not being employed every month because they are not looking for work or cant find a job. I think more people like some students who are not regularly employed, may use the internet to occassionally earn money online to buy less expensive things like batteries for their TV remote, books, and candy. More hard working people who lost their job or can't get hired, may try to use the internet to try to earn more money per month to buy more expensive items, or pay their utility bills.

Selling their stuff or services like web design on eBay, Craigslist, Fivver and forums is not very hard to do for many online users, so I think a lot of people sell things online to earn money.

There are also websites like Swagbucks and Mypoints where earning a few dollars per month doing simple tasks like watching ad videos, filling out Surveys and voting on polls.

There are also now job websites like LinkedIN and company websites where you can contact local employers, so it is easier to talk to employers to see if they will offer you a job interview for a job to see if you are good eniugh to work for them.
May be.
Sometimes, you don't need a regular job to make a living :p
Well not everyone is that talented though.
I think people who invested a few hundred dollars in Bitcoin many years a go, and other online cryptocurrencies may not need to have a regular job to afford food, rent, electricity, and healthcare.

I also read stories online of people selling their valuable antiques, release day game consoles, and collectable items on eBay, and earning many thousands to millions of dollars.
Jeez, there are quite a few double negatives there. Had to reread the title a few titles to even understand what you meant.

Regardless, yeah I definitely do think the internet is helping more people earn money. It's been especially useful for artists and creators in third world regions, since the money made on thse marketplaces is actually pretty decent for places with a low cost of living.
I change the title to make it easier to understand.

I feel the internet can help writers make more money per month because some books may not sell well at local book stores, or certain countries for some reason, or a lack of offline advertising.

More retail book stores are also closing down, so if you live in a place with no book stores, you would use the internet to buy books, or sell books if you are an author.

But, sites like Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play have a lot of users who maybe looking for a book on a certain topic or from an author they like.
It's a double edge, you can earn money online but it depends on those who give the money.

This is true there would sometimes be people who pay a fair price for something like a seller may more likely get more money selling a item on Craigslist website instead of a pawn shop. But. there are some buyers on Craigslist and other sites who try to rip sellers off. I read a few stories online of people getting robbed by a bad member from Craigslist when selling a game console and other items on Craigslist's website.
I agree with the double edged sword, even from a consumer standpoint. Some online sellers charge more than the going used price than if you went to a store and bought it used. As someone who plays guitar, You see this more on eBay/Craigslist than on Reverb. Sure at first it sounds really shitty that you payed $1200 for a guitar, and Guitar Center offers you $500 for it. Though GC sells it for only $700 (but that part of the story is always left out when people tell their ripped off stories), and people try and sell it on Craigslist for $1000. At that point as a consumer, why would I buy it from Craigslist if I can save $300 and buy it at a store?