Is the Status bar at the bottom of web browsers still useful?


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The status bar on web browsers can be useful if you use a slower internet like dial-up internet connections or slower DSL and Cable internet where websites can take many seconds to minutes to fully load.

The status bar also can be useful for easily seeing a link's website address by hovering the mouse cursor over the link. Some status bars also show if a website's connection is encrypted or unencrypted with a lock icon on the bottom. In some web browsers, the status bar has shorcut buttons to easily change the text zoom level of website, and there are icons which show if you are connected to the internet or disconnected.
Pretty sure that has been gone for a long time for Firefox, or you talking about that small text box that appears when pages load?
It has become irrelevant with the raise of Chrome, which initial goal was to get rid of all GUI elements you most likely aren't even looking at.
This has become a standard in premu all mainstream browsers.

However, there's still one browser that still uses it, though it's quite minimalistic.

Qutebrowser shows you the loading bar while loading a page.
And after it's done, it transforms into your current scroll position on a given page.
In this case, I'm all the way on the top, and "1/1" indicates I'm at the bottom of the page already.
But take a longer page, and it starts for example from "1/12" on the top, and becomes "12/12" on the bottom.
Pretty sure that has been gone for a long time for Firefox, or you talking about that small text box that appears when pages load?

Yes, the Status bar is gone in newer versions of Firefox.

I think Maxthon and Vivaldi are the few more popular web browsers which still use the Status bar for showing the status of the website's loading time, and the text zoom level of the website.