Is the titlebar still useful for web browsers?


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I think the title bar on the top of some web browsers is not as useful thesedays since most web browser tabs also show the title of a website when you hover your mouse's cursor over a tab.
Not necessarily true, I still find the title bar convenient to have.
It creates a bit more space for tabs, and it's easier to drag the browser window around if you don't maximise it.
Luckily, Chromium offers an option where you can choose between using a titlebar or not (at least, in the Linux version).
Not necessarily true, I still find the title bar convenient to have.
It creates a bit more space for tabs, and it's easier to drag the browser window around if you don't maximise it.
Luckily, Chromium offers an option where you can choose between using a titlebar or not (at least, in the Linux version).

I agree the title bar is useful for people who don't maximize their web browser's window, and need to move their windows a lot, and the title bar does give you a bit more space for tabs for people who have a lot of tabs open.

I think the title bar could be useful for people who are used to using older versions of Internet Explorer which has a title bar since people can easily find the minimize, maximize/restore, and close button on the right of the title bar.