Is there privacy in this world?


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Do you think there is still privacy in this world? Between the media, the growing tech that can intrude on this and people just not trusting one another like they did. I feel it's declining if not gone.
I hate it when people try to take a look at your private stuff, idiot spies nowadays are trying their best to expose what is supposed to be "private"
The Native Americans, Amish and Quackers have privacy. A lot of them are very low tech since they still lives on farms, use horses for getting around, and don't have much modern things.

The very poor like the homeless and hobos also have privacy because they are too poor to afford the internet, cell phones, cameras, TVs, and other things. Plus, few people keep in touch with the homeless, and poor since a lot of people ignore the homeless since they are afraid the hobo ask them for money to buy food.
Privacy still exists, they are just trying to force people into thinking that it doesnt so that it becomes more acceptable when they do things to destroy it. They are hoping that if they say it enough times, more and more people will be convinced by this, accept it as fact and then, freely give up their personal information on a silver platter.

Eventually, they will accept it to the point where they begin watching others under the same idea and end up being vicariously used by anyone, such as the government, as well as terrorists, whose interested in surveillance of anyone, anywhere at anytime. George Orwell is somewhere in his grave saying I told you so.

It is very similar to how religions get their momentum. Someone 'witnesses' something, and keeps talking about it and convincing others and then that ends up spreading to others until it has become an accepted belief.

I will never believe that there is no such thing as privacy or that privacy is obsolete for this reason. Perhaps if people were smarter and weren't such stupid, fame-chasing attention whores, companies like Facebook and Google etc. wouldn't be the festering genital warts they are today.

Privacy isn't dead and that is why many people get fed up with companies like Facebook and Google fucking with their privacy.

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In some ways, there is more Privacy these days because of improve privacy and security technology. If you use a Virtual Private Network/VPN to surf the web, a proxy server, tor servers, firewall, anti-spyware, antivirus, ad-blocking and anti-tracking plug-in, and data encryption to password encrypt your phone calls, e-mails, files, and other data before it leaves your computer, or phone your privacy is safer now than many years a go.

Also, people can always unplug their webcam, and microphone when they are not using them on their PC.

There are also now more anonymous search engines like and other search engines which claim to let you Search anonymously by using HTTPS which is more private, and secure, and they claim not to track you.

Also, web hosting, and domain names are cheaper than ever, so you can make an exclusive invite only website where only people you allow to join by invite only, and search engines can't index your data since your website is password protected.
Corvus said:
There is some privacy yeah. Nowadays with all the technology it's a bit difficult to have it but it's possible.
Yeah, there are many spying stuff, used to spy on us, how horrible.
In the physical world, privacy is eroding. There are more security cameras now than ever. Once you leave your home you can almost guarantee you are being watched by at least 1 camera.  The second you step into a store? Another camera.  And these cameras are improved over previous versions... they shoot in HD, may have have facial recognition (plus who knows what other) software and often are recorded to massive hard drives so footage can be pulled up anywhere from 4-8 weeks after it was taken. 

And Native Americas often do have many modern pieces of technology. Perhaps some groups opt for a lower level of technology, but many have embraced technology too.

The digital world has measures to protect privacy... but very often any measure you take to ensure privacy can be undone in some fashion. (It's possible to log and track traffic even through proxies, anonimizers and VPNs. It's just harder to do than unsecured connections. )

But it doesn't help that many sites want you to divulge details. Sites like facebook thrive on it and encourage users to share more. They want to know everything, mine more data from you. And many people either don't know, don't care or some degree of both.

Also, it's not always possible to unplug your webcam... Some webcams are mounted right in the device's frame (like for laptops often right above the screen, other devices like tablets may have them to the side of the screen). 
Well I know my webcam suddenly came on, so I disabled it and have a piece of black electrical tape over it to ensure it doesn't come on again.

I read in the paper this past week about some places having scanner IDs so they know who goes in and out and many claim this is a invasion of privacy.
I read that the Microsoft Windows operating system has a secret doorway also called a backdoor which the NSA/National Security Agency can access at anytime if they want to.

Careless mistake reveals subversion of Windows by NSA.

A CARELESS mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of Windows 95 (and its predecessors). The discovery comes close on the heels of the revelations earlier this year that another US software giant, Lotus, had built an NSA "help information" trapdoor into its Notes system, and that security functions on other software systems had been deliberately crippled.

I think stories about Microsoft software having backdoors to allow the government to spy on people are making people, other countries, and companies switch to Apple, Linux, and other operating systems and software not affiliated with Windows/Microsoft to avoid losing data.

Skype which is owned by Microsoft also have a Backdoor to allow the government to spy on users. Worse of all, it is MS who filed the patent to allow the government to spy on its users.

Microsoft and Skype set to allow backdoor eavesdropping

Skype and Microsoft have managed to leapfrog common sense and build a backdoor into your favourite VOIP application. It is called Lawful Interception and is part of a new patent which Microsoft filed back in 2009, but is now preparing to unleash itself into our world due to its recent approval.
I read that the NSA teamed up with most of the popular websites in America to spy on people. The NSA has direct access to member's information of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and many other big websites. The Program is called PRISM.

US government is engaged in large-scale data logging and mining, and whether you’re a citizen of the US or an international user who uses a US-based service, you would be wise to put a few protections in place to protect your privacy.
I don't think that there is much privacy left in this world. It is said that our new televisions, kettles - even fridges - have chips in them that record our conversations, how many people are in a room at once, amongst other things.

The internet is not a private thing at all, and they are seeking to make it even less private, but a recent petition against it has delayed their attempts. No doubt they will try again and call it something else, as they have before. Whenever we walk the streets, there are cameras everywhere and on every street corner - at least there is over her in the UK. I am not sure about the USA. But Big Brother is watching. We have very little privacy these days.
Well I would say that it depends what you are doing. There is probably just as much privacy now as any time in history when it comes to certain things, like playing sport for lack of a better example.
I think that the whole lack of privacy thing is a bit overplayed myself. It is not as though we have less privacy on the internet than we did many years ago because the internet is a new thing which is still finding it's feet. It is constantly evolving and to say that it is worse than it was a few years ago seems ridiculous because we are doing totally new things.
There's still privacy sure. You just have to smarten up about certain things. The people whose privacy is being invaded these days are stupid people, who don't know how to keep things a secret thanks to wreckless behavior.
There is an alternative for privacy, always. At least in democracies. I'm really tired of people that keeps nagging about how Facebook knows everything about them etc. etc. etc. and that the internet gets so much information from you. My reply is: YOU CHOSE IT and if you say "Well it's hard NOT to choose it", I say Deal With It.

The human being is naturally a herd animal and works best among others so to be honest, losing some privacy is often worth it for the herd and for the sake of belonging to something.
Yep. You can't reveal your Twitter and Facebook locations, and then complain that some creeper found out where you live.
I love it when people do that: complain about their privacy being invaded by some social network they use, but then continue to use it anyway.  If you don't like it, don't use it.  No one is forcing you.

Demon_Skeith said:
Well I know my webcam suddenly came on, so I disabled it and have a piece of black electrical tape over it to ensure it doesn't come on again.
How I loathe webcams; I would always have mine taped over on my old laptop because I was so paranoid.
People still use webcams? Interesting. I never owned one and never will. They have windows conference and other stuff for people who wanna have face to face chats with people when necessary.
I bet whatever you do privately will be shown on TV, i wonder how do they Spy on People and why.