Is there privacy in this world?

It happens when trackers are placed onto your computer. Viruses bugs, etc. They can't see you physically, but can keep tabs and collect info on what websites you visit. Also, sometimes repairmen slip cameras into the houses of their customers. And bathroom pervs are around too. Plenty of stories of public female restroom users being taped by pervs. There was a story a few years back about an NFL team whose cheerleaders were being filmed unknowingly in their dressing rooms.
You mean in this moment, i'm being tracked?
There is no true 100% privacy.  Your monitored in every aspect of life to an extent.  If you have a smartphone, your location can be known at all times.  Your employer knows what you're doing online or on computers.  When you're driving, there are hidden cameras everywhere to catch your license plate number and those who are speeding or going through red lights.  When you're at the store, there are cameras watching your movements regardless of if you are doing anything or not.  At the airport and many sporting events, you're patted down completely.    

It's just part of life, whether that's good or bad is another debate.
There may be cameras in stores, but they have their blind spots.  Just because a camera has a dome over it doesn't mean it has rotating capabilities.

If you're an intuitive type, you can find unsecured camera feeds just with a quick search using the proper key terms.  You'd be amazed the number of home cameras that people leave unsecured!

I think the only way to prevent being tracked is to cut yourself off from the grid completely.
I recently read that the internet's cables are Tapped, so the US government can read and track the data which passes through the cables.

Summary: The NSA is looking for new ways to snoop, since advances in telecommunications have muffled its ears. Now it's splicing into undersea fiber-optic cables-a potentially illegal and not-yet-successful move.

US government has “tapped directly into international fiber optic internet cables”

The AP report says that the NSA is “tapping directly into international fiber optic cables and collecting all that information.”
Demon_Skeith said:

Do you think there is still privacy in this world? Between the media, the growing tech that can intrude on this and people just not trusting one another like they did. I feel it's declining if not gone.
Skeith, privacy has been gone since September 2001.
I read recently that a father and son created an Invisibility Cloak for only $150 according to , so when Invisible cloaks become available for purchase at a store, people who want to pay for privacy can have some privacy.

I also heard people are buying fewer electronics, so people who choose to not buy or use electronics with microphones, cameras, and which can access the internet have more privacy when they are at home unless they are secretly being investigated by the police, a private investigator, etc.
Sanaki said:
Why this date?
9/11, Patriot Act, and subsequent hysteria that followed. The NSA cites terrorism and threats against out national security as a basis for the spying and yet, despite this program originally starting under Bush Jr., and was continued under Obama, we still had terrorist threats and activity since then and nearly each time, they missed the mark completely.

The times they didn't miss, it was either a case of them lucky enough to be there at the right time and place, a good tip, or failure on part of the terrorist or the plan itself. 

I might have a lot more faith in the gov't if these things and other horrific events were thwarted using these tactics, but they haven't, and so that is why I believe that the terrorism claims are just a front. The Boston Bombing happened and the suspects were caught because of the citizens voluntarily working side by side with law enforcement with technological tools at their disposal to help with the search. This was not the result of NSA snooping.

Obama is trying to force Americans to trade privacy for security, despite the fact that Benjamin Franklin, a founding father, said that those who do so deserve neither and get none. I don't have anything to hide and my life really isn't that interesting.. but I do admit that I have controversial opinions and I do not agree with Obama, let alone the government, on everything, and I am dead set against this.

Treating every citizen as though they are criminals when they are innocent, is the wrong way to go about things and has a familiar stench of Gestapo-esque tactics and it will only piss people off and lead to more criminals on principle.

Now, if me being who I am is a viable reason for them to track me or spy on me then so be it. I hope they enjoy the show, because I am not about to change who I am or what I think and say just because I may be staring down the barrel of a gun held by some faceless government agency.
To be honest, I don't think so.
It's almost non-existent and is restricted to view rich people.

I think privacy may still exist in less advance places where technology like cameras, computers, and electricity does not exist, so they rely on using paper, and pencils. Eventually, people's old paper and pen writings may be thrown away or forgotten if people never bother to read their old writings, or the paper falls apart because of damage from animals, bugs, fire, water, etc.
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