Is your site blocked in China?


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I got a feeling this site may not be very accurate, and China maybe using this site, and similar sites to trick people living outside of China into thinking that China Internet allows people to visit many types of website instead of just a few websites which China approve of.

I tried a few websites like CNN, , , , and some other sites, and they are not blocked according to the website.

China may also not block some websites on purpose, so they have web browsing history evidence to arrest citizens for visiting certain websites.
Why would Wikipedia be blocked in China?

I think Wikipedia could be block in China because Wikipedia has user-generated content which may have articles which talks about China in a bad way, and users can create wikis about how there are problems with the Chinese government.

Some user-generated content like on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have anti-Chinese Government post where members complain about how unfair China is to its people who can be arrested, or punish for protesting against the Chinese's government problems.

Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are blocked in China.
Jesus Christ! I was under the impression that communism in China had become more lenient, but I guess that's no the case...

Communism in China maybe slightly more lenient than the past when Mao was the first communist leader of China.

But, it also looks like Chinese Communism may have gotten worse than the past now that China is abducting foreigners who criticize China, but don't live in Communist China.

Lee Bo, the chief editor and controlling shareholder in a publishing company that markets popular books critical of China’s Communist Party leaders, disappeared last Wednesday in an apparent illegal abduction by mainland Chinese police. Of note, Lee is the fifth member of the Mighty Current publishing house to disappear recently, following publicity about a soon-to-be-published new expose on the love life of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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The US, Europeans, and regular news may not talk about political problems in China because China now buys a lot of stuff like airplanes, cars, clothes, electronics, advertising, and gas from other countries, so China is one of the biggest job creators because they buy a lot of stuff.
Hmm... Hong Kong, eh? I wonder why Hong Kong is advertised online as a location that supports free speech... I've seen a bunch of hosting companies that claim to allow questionable content because their servers are located in Hong Kong...
Hmm... Hong Kong, eh? I wonder why Hong Kong is advertised online as a location that supports free speech... I've seen a bunch of hosting companies that claim to allow questionable content because their servers are located in Hong Kong...

most likely because Hong Kong doesn't care about the server data unlike the USA and rest of the world.
most likely because Hong Kong doesn't care about the server data unlike the USA and rest of the world.

Hong Kong may care if user use the server in Hong Kong to pirate Hong Kong Films, music, games, and eBooks.

But, it maybe difficult to enforce piracy for American music, games, and ebooks for servers which are in Hong Kong when there are fewer or no laws to protect the copyright holders of American and Foreign Entertainment files.
Beijing - Shenzhen - Inner Mongolia - Heilongjiang Province - Yunnan Province -
Looks like AMF is not getting blocked in china....what a relief!