It has been a very long time.


Well-Known Member
I honestly would doubt if anyone remembers me. I went under the name "RyShark" on the old forums, and I wasn't terribly active then. On a whim I decided to see what the place was now like, and discovered here! Looking at the plans for this site I am very excited to see what could be a good alternative to GameFAQs and other such sites, so I decided to join! I can't wait to see what this place becomes :D.
Welcome to Gaming Reinvented RibShark. I sort of remember you!
I remember you. The name rings a bell, though I don't remember too much about you aside from your presence. Nice to see you again.
It's nice to be here. I won't be posting much at the moment because of exams, but I hope to become more active after all that is done with.
I remember you. I remember the username anyway. But then, I remember some really old usernames. Anyone here remember Astr0? GenericMan121? turpinator?
I remember you. I remember the username anyway. But then, I remember some really old usernames. Anyone here remember Astr0? GenericMan121? turpinator?
I remember those names. Still semi in touch with Turp via a skype group.