It is..The First day of Summer! Hoorah!

I like the snow.

Except for when it gets into a spot I'd really rather not have wet and cold.
It's the first of December and the first snow we've had. Perhaps it's a sign we'll have a white Christmas?...we've had a wet streak the past few years or so.
Then get out of the car, and play in the snow. Simple as that.
Actually, the proper thing to do is to sit tight, crack the windows a bit, run the engine for short bursts, and wait for help to arrive d(^ _ ^)b
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Well, the weather here changed drastically in one week. We went from a high of 80 F and low of 60 F to a high of 54 F and a low of 29 F. I already have a cold, and had to stay at home today.
The snow we got yesterday made us have a 2 hour delay, but it's like almost gone now.
Once you get older, playing in the snow isn't as fun. Snowballs and snow forts never get old though. As you age, you learn to improve.
Playing in the snow is fun? In what world? I've always found snow to be boring.