It's me... 101i?


Well-Known Member
Hey I recently just got a new 3ds and stuff so can some people add me PLZ!
dont worry i dont bite.
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... soon im gunna get this thread deleted, mod?

First of all, welcome and whatnot!

Second of all, you haven't broken any rules. If you read the rules, you'd then know there was nothing to be afraid of, heh.

Third of all, no, we're not deleting your thread, because as said in point two, you didn't break any rules.

Fourthly, if you don't love Shy Guy, I will ban you permanently from this forum (Note: THAT WAS A JOKE. I LOVE ALL MEMBERS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY LOVE SHY GUY).
ok thanks I spose you right
i did ask the question because i was worried if i missed anything.
btw this was writen on a 3DS
Just read the rules to make sure you DON'T break any, I believe that what's Gelivable64 was trying to say...

Anyways, welcome to N3DSC! Got any questions, just ask!
Fourthly, if you don't love Shy Guy, I will ban you permanently from this forum (Note: THAT WAS A JOKE. I LOVE ALL MEMBERS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY LOVE SHY GUY).
I LIKE Shy Guy.
Does that count?

Oh, and welcome to the forums, we mean to read the rules so you know how to NOT break any.