It's Not a Phone, It's a Galaxy: Gear VR


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Virtual reality just got real. Powered by Oculus, the Samsung Gear VR puts you right into the action. From games to movies to your favorite shows, Gear VR gives you a fully immersive experience.

I wonder if this VR headset will cause tired and dry eye problems. But, this VR headset does look good for people who don't want to use their hand to hold their phone while watching video or playing games on their phone.
I already know enough to stay away from VR. The gear will be heavy (most likely requiring you to lay on a bed or lean back into a chair) and will cause eye strain.
I already know enough to stay away from VR. The gear will be heavy (most likely requiring you to lay on a bed or lean back into a chair) and will cause eye strain.

I agree most VR gear would be uncomfortable, and heavy. There is also a chance the battery, parts, or screen suddenly malfunctions, and the screen suddenly explode, overheats, leak electricity, or crack on your face which can happen in rare cases.

It is also probably not healthy having so much electricity, and electrical radiation from wireless signals Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and un-shielded wires around your head, and the rest of your body.
I like where this VR thing is going and when I am around 30 it's going to be so good :grin: we will probably have a VR game :3