Just Dance 4


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After an extended live on-stage dancing sequence, Ubisoft announced Just Dance 4 to open its E3 2012 press conference.
During the stage presentation Ubisoft showed off the logo but little else. A version of Just Dance 4 will be coming to Wii U.

Meh, Music games kind of suck other than Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Plus this game's track list is generally just Pop.
Personally I can't play this game for a long period of time. I just don't like to exercise while I'm gaming. The Just Dance series is for people who want to lose weight, and aspiring dancers. Anyone else should avoid this game completely :laugh:.
I am to lazy as it is, and they expect me to move like that while playing a game? lol
Okay.....not only am i the first African American woman in history with two left feet, even if I could dance, even marginally,
I wouldn't like this game. I can't understand what the hullabaloo is. If I wanted to embarass myself by having a seizure while on my
feet, I'd go to a night club, at least then I could blame the alcohol. I can't believe people actually still buy these games. And
it's not necessarily my being lazy, I just have a general dislike for the genre period. Sorry
These are the kind of games I would only buy one of and leave it at that. No way in hell would I continuously buy sequels of these sort of games.
I won't buy this but if a friend has it at their house I'll try it. It's fun to dance and to laugh at each other.When I was really young I had a dancing game that came with a mat and my stepdad broke it the first time he tried it as he was too heavy and stomped on it too much. :blink:
These are the sort of games that sell pretty well with the casual crowd, but honestly make me wonder why in the blue hells would they feature them in E3, where people honestly go and watch for the core games. The target audience for those types of games don't really follow gaming press events as much as we do.
It's an okay game for those that throw parties. These games are fine to play along with friends. Just have a bit of fun dancing on the songs you love hearing. However, if someone wants to play it alone, it's probably not as amusing.

I am surprised anyone buys these types of games. Everyone has different preferences, I suppose.