PlayStation Kid Receives Ballsy PS4


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It’s bad enough that a Massachusetts family’s Target-purchased Christmas console wound up being a piece of wood in a PlayStation 4 box, but did whoever swapped it out have to draw a dick and balls on it?

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A shameful gift.
I think it's more shameful that someone never bothered to check the system before accepting it back. I mean seriously... you accept a $400+ piece of electronic for return... Check that to ensure it's actually there. (Preferably before they get to far away from the store...) I mean you know some people try scamming others. I hope though that they can track whomever returned it down and charge them.
What a pain in the morning ass. I always check out the product before I buy it. I rather have a clear plastic Esperanza around the box. Plus you probably feel the weight difference, specially the guy serving behind the counter
Overworked, underpaid and badly treated staff really can only do so much even in an otherwise perfect world. And it really was most likely done at the retail level in any case.
Overworked, underpaid and badly treated staff really can only do so much even in an otherwise perfect world. And it really was most likely done at the retail level in any case.

I agree with Massacre. Most retail workers are underpaid, overworked, and badly treated in a lot of cases by the upper level staff. I don't work for Target and I never have in the past but I've worked retail. When you are treated as badly as you sometimes are treated in retail, there are going to be days where you don't really want to be there and the only thing keeping you there is the fact that you have to have a pay check in order to pay your bills. Those employees more than likely will just do what they have to and go on their merry way.

I understand that the poor kid was upset and I would be too if I thought I was getting such an expensive gaming console and it turns out to be just a piece of wood. My only question is, why didn't the parent who bought the system check to make sure it was all there in the first place? I'm trying to figure out how that piece of wood weighed the same as an actual PS4..... If you think something isn't right, then check it please.