Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

bitchy? :rofl: it will make you cry :hate:
The tournament made me so pissed I went to Deep Space, which in turn made me pissed at the boss! After about 5 minutes of freaking out, I restarted in Standard. I'M SO PISSED AT THIS GAME! I remember Kingdom Hearts 2 Critical mode. It was no where NEAR this difficulty! This is ridiculous. I don't think I'll be in Critical for awhile...
Just finish Terra's story on the car trip back home..
The tournament made me so pissed I went to Deep Space, which in turn made me pissed at the boss! After about 5 minutes of freaking out, I restarted in Standard. I'M SO PISSED AT THIS GAME! I remember Kingdom Hearts 2 Critical mode. It was no where NEAR this difficulty! This is ridiculous. I don't think I'll be in Critical for awhile...

did you even reach zack in the tournament?

Just finish Terra's story on the car trip back home

congrats, who do you have left?
No, I didn't reach Zack. I got to pissed at like round 10 in Proud, and went straight to Deep Space. Hated that boss, and went into Standard. On Proud, I had like 7-8 hours of play time by then. In Standard, I have like 3-4. >_> Skipping cutscenes, plus no deaths, and easier enemies= so much less time to beat.
I'm finishing aqua tonight then moving on to Ven, I'm starting to feel my money was wasted buying this new. It's way too short for a KH game. Even on standard, I spent months playing all other KH games but this one I will have beaten in less then a month.
I play through it twice, beating everything. Plus it's for PSP. I can't expect them to put to much data on the disc. Plus it runs slowly as it is. >_>

Oh, and Zack second battle was way easier then you make it out to be. I beat him second try. ^_^
I play through it twice, beating everything. Plus it's for PSP. I can't expect them to put to much data on the disc. Plus it runs slowly as it is. >_>

Oh, and Zack second battle was way easier then you make it out to be. I beat him second try. ^_^

I must have been under leveled because I was running half the time keeping up my HP. Anyways, started ven's story and I look forward to see how he ties in with sora.
I must have been under leveled because I was running half the time keeping up my HP. Anyways, started ven's story and I look forward to see how he ties in with sora.
I FINALLY finished Terra's story. God, I hated the Eraqus and final Xehanort battles. They were the biggest pain in the ass in the game. Started Aqua's. Hope she's fun to play with.
I FINALLY finished Terra's story. God, I hated the Eraqus and final Xehanort battles. They were the biggest pain in the ass in the game. Started Aqua's. Hope she's fun to play with.

she is once you get some decent spells and abilities on her. I also find her start up game menu pose rather interesting :o
I must know, what is the secret movie about? A insight to KH3?
Ah... you really want me to spoil it? Fine... ... ... I can't find how to put the spoiler thing, so I'll put a strike through it.

It is an insight to III. Sora makes his decision about King Mickey's letter which involves some journey. (You never actually see the writing) Kairi wishes the two of them (Riku goes too) good luck since she is not going. Before this happens, Terra, Ven, and Aqua, having lost their bodies, souls, hearts, or whatever are talking to people. Ven with Terra, and Aqua with Ansem I believe. While they talk, since time has gone by since they became in the state they are (which I never truly understood) realize only one person can save them and the connections of everywhere. all muttering the same name, they understand their light will be returned. The person is Sora.
Kairi's not going? that sucks I had hope we finally be able to use her for once.
Maybe she'll be usable later because obviously she's an important character and Sora and her like each other. There might be a chance, but don't get your hopes up to much.
How are you breezing through this? This game is a bitch for me. Stupid Proud...

again, I'm on standard. I'm going to go play proud mode later on. But I did play vanitus's spirit last night and lasted 10 seconds before getting my @$$ handed to me. So I need to spend some time in the arena.