Kirby Epic Yarn to be released in UK on 25th February 2010


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Okay, that's a pretty long time away unfortunately.
You mean 2011
-- but yeah. I really do NOT see the point. DKC Returns came out a week after Epic Yarn in America, IIRC, yet in Europe it came out last Friday (DKCR that is), yet Kirby's Epic Yarn (which I will now call the key (you'll work it out soon)) doesn't come out until that date, which, based on timezones, is HOURS (less than a day) before the launch of the 3DS in Japan -- and I can guarantee by then we WILL know the pricing and release date for America, Europe and Australia, at least I don't THINK we've ever had a console that's scheduled to be released in a certain month, and the full release date not to be confirmed only 4 days before the month of release begins... let's just hope it's not March 2011 and they still haven't decided
Well I still haven't got KEY. I mean when it came out I wanted it, but after playing it at GameStop I realized that it's not Kirby. He didn't suck up and swallow his enemies and he didn't steal their power. I was, for the most part, disapointed.
It's a good game if you don't let your expectations ruin it. You just can't play it and try to have fun in the sense you would if you were playing a game like Magic Mirror or Nightmare in Dream Land.
Sweet, I always love the creativity that's put into the childish feeling in the Kirby games, the soundtrack and visuals really help bring that alive.