Konami going exclusively mobile... Is this the right decision?


Well-Known Member
The article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-publisher-konami-mobile-is-now-our-main/1100-6427329/

I don't think this is the right way for Konami. People playing mobile games are casual gamers playing to pass time and not hardcore gamers, which are their main audience. Hardcore gamers play on game consoles, handhelds and PC's in my opinion... No offense to mobile gamers. Just magine playing a Metal Gear Solid game on a touch screen of a cellphone or tablet... The controls would be so disturbingly dumbed down along with the gameplay. It would really become a terrible gaming experience. Konami is a great game company and they have made a lot of great games, but I think this move to go exlusively mobile is a huge mistake.
Exclusively isn't correct. They will still make console games just not as often from the seems of things. I think it is a terrible idea and a lot of fans are very annoyed. It will be the downfall of their company and I bet they change their minds pretty quickly. 
This is not really a great idea from them. They should stick to what they're good at, and that is making console games.

Switching their main focus to mobile gaming will be a disastrous move that could break the company.
I agree, it is a very horrible move from Konami. The mobile gaming market isn't as big as the consoles/PC market is. The gamers who spend a lot of money on games playable on consoles and PC aren't going to spend that money on mobile games. I personally never paid for a single game on mobile. My general rule is not to buy any mobile games because I rarely play them that often. Nor are they worth the money for the experience they offer anyway.

So yea, they may think it's a good idea now but we'll see. But as long as they keep releasing games for consoles and PC, I think they'll manage to stay on their feet if that whole mobile idea fails.
Rux said:
The gamers who spend a lot of money on games playable on consoles and PC aren't going to spend that money on mobile games.
Tell that to Fallout Shelter which just 3 days after release has already made more money than candy crush saga has EVER made in it's entire lifespan (of several years).

Fallout Shelter is primarily being played, and therefore funded, by console gamers who are famillar with the fallout franchise.

Beating Candy Crush Saga, even for a day, is stunning, since game publisher King reported that the game generated $229.5 million in the first quarter, or $2.55 million a day.

$2.55 Million a DAY.... 

Tell me again, how console gamers won't spend money on mobile games? lol.
Xenokitten said:
Tell that to Fallout Shelter which just 3 days after release has already made more money than candy crush saga has EVER made in it's entire lifespan (of several years).

Fallout Shelter is primarily being played, and therefore funded, by console gamers who are famillar with the fallout franchise.


$2.55 Million a DAY.... 

Tell me again, how console gamers won't spend money on mobile games? lol.
Lol, damn.
I wasn't aware of that game, but even so, I don't think huge profits like this happen so often. If they intend to focus primarily on mobile games then they're basically gambling in my opinion.
Gamers drastically misunderstand how much money there is to be made in mobile games.... and more importantly how easy it is to enter that marketplace.  Making a mobile game requires a fraction of the cost of a console or PC game and the ´homerunability´ is just about the same.  It is easy to throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks... as compared to PC and consoles where you have to devote a huge amount of time and money to develop a game.

Also, the demographics shift to a MUCH better audience..  Instead of 16-22 year olds, you now are getting people with careers addicted to your games...
Is it right? Nope, they literately killed a near completed game to do this.

Martin said:
Exclusively isn't correct. They will still make console games just not as often from the seems of things. I think it is a terrible idea and a lot of fans are very annoyed. It will be the downfall of their company and I bet they change their minds pretty quickly. 
If that is so, why did they can silent hill?
Interesting change but I reckon it could be a good move. The amount of money to be made with in app purchases it crazy these days and mobile games are getting bigger and better