Last Game Bought

The last games I bought were Vexx for the Xbox, Balan Wonderworld for the PS4, and Jak and Daxter for the PS2. I haven't gotten around to playing any of them yet though.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Free PS5 upgrade which was quite nice and I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far.
Mobile Suit Gundam Code Fairy
Fobia: St Dinfna Hotel, not bad survival horror so far. a mix between RE and Silent Hill and Fatal Frame-y.
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Went ahead and got F1 2022. Got a bit tired of playing 2021 on the Series X so got it for the PS5 instead. Going to be fun driving around especially with the DualSense features
Sonic Origins and the new Kirby.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Switch.
I purchased Dying Light 2 Stay Human on my PlayStation 4. It's been an entertaining game so far. The killings and trying to survive is fun.
Pre-ordered Modern Warfare 2 on the PS5 yesterday. A bit annoying that it's cheaper on Amazon but you miss out on the first closed beta and the 1 week early access to the campaign. So I had to go for the PS Store option.