I found Casino Empire in The Source for $0.25 yesterday .. I like tycoon games so I had to buy it, I played it for a few minutes yesterday and it looks okay.
999 is friggin' awesome. Just beat it recently, finally got to see that it deserved the love it gets.
Anyway, the latest games I bought were Soul Sacrifice and Guacamelee! on Vita. I plat'd Guacamelee! really fast. Game's short but it's really damn good and it has speed-run leaderboards. I haven't played Soul Sacrifice too much yet, but it's definitely an awesome game and I've loved it so far.
Last game I bought was Far Cry 3, beyond that i'm too busy with league of legends to play anything else right now. I don't even know if it was worth the full price, I mean it was good but had like no replay value.
I actually rarely buy games nowadays for some reason. I feel like it's a waste of money for some reason since games don't last lol. I guess I'm getting old. Still, last game bought was Battlefield 3 and it wasn't worth it
The last game I bought was a total failure. It's called Rock of the Dead and is for the xbox 360. Now, I didn't have very high hopes for the game considering....1) I had never heard of it before. 2) It was $3. 3) Half of the instruction manual is in French. I bought the game because I thought that using the guitar in first-person shooter was a pretty good idea (similar to Typing of the Dead for the PC). However, this game is atrocious and has zero redeeming qualities. The graphics are atrocious, and there is NO music playing for me to press the buttons on the guitar to. Ugh...
I bought Dishonored. Unfortunately, I'm not having that great of a time with it. It's just taking way too long for the story develop and the action to begin. The atmosphere feels rather dull. I always have this problem with Bethesda games for whatever reason. I guess I should've learned my lesson.
The Ship on Steam for the PC. Really underrated game, and I would love if more people played it. It's similar to TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town for Garry's Mod) in a way. All you do is get a quarry, and you have to hunt them down with all kinds of different weapons. There are different weapons that pay per kill, so it's generally to find the highest paying weapon. It's a really fun game at times, especially if you're playing with other people which is why more people need to play it.
I bought the humble bundle deal and it was amazing
Been playing mirror's edge and I really hope they make the second version
Also, there were a lot of other games with great content
Best deal of games around the internet