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I got a second Master Ball in Pokemon Go today. But in all honesty, I wish they could give me more max IV Pokemon instead.
Jurassic World Alive
Baldur's Gate III PC, just killed another one of Mr. Demon's arch Enemies, another Giant Mama Spider dead lol @Demon_Skeith . The little baby spider critters were super annoying, burned a lot of them with Gale's Fire boulder summon lol and the mama spider boss' new Legendary combat action ability was annoying too, Recorded the battle:
been playing Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell on ps2 lately. I think I'm almost done with the game.
Baldur's Gate III PC. Defeated Gnoll warlord boss and his minions, pretty tough because they could do 3 long range attacks in a turn when frenzied, and thus I had to use Obi Wan styled High ground supremacy tactic lol though the high ground got super crowded lol. Recorded the battle:

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Recorded Owl Bear Boss Battle. There are 2 big Owl Bears now after patch 7 Honour mode difficulty update instead of just one. Papa and mama Owlbear Bosses now lol.

Sonic Origins
DCS, PC, Flew Mission 12 of the Rise Of The Persian Lion Story Campaign in my F/A - 18 Hornet baby lol.



A Deep strike Mission, taking down the enemy's Nuclear Power Plant and SA-6 SAM Air Defense. Me and my Wingman Flew low to the target area to avoid SAM's fire, however by flying low me and my Wingman were in the range of the enemy's AAA fire and thus had to do some serious "zig-zag" flying dodging the many AAA fire from the ground. Targeted the target with my FLIR and assigned the target's coordinates to my JDAM, TOO Mode, and fired 2 JDAMS at the target while maintaining the "zig-zag" flying, pretty hard targeting the ground target while doing this "zig-zag" flying. Destroyed the target and quickly went high to take out the SA-6 SAM at waypoint 8 with my AGM-88 HARM Missiles, TOO Mode. Managed to Take out the SA-6 then quickly went low (did a split-S maneuver while diving down to quickly turn my heading by 180 degrees) to egress point. Then did a case 1 Carrier landing. Missed the wires during the first touch down had to do another touch down, got a good second touch down landing score. Mission was a success. Recorded parts of the mission:

Cat 2 Super Carrier Launch, USS Abraham Lincoln :

Started the "zig-zag" flying pattern at 3:38 to dodge the enemy's heavy AAA fire, then destroyed the first and then the second target:

RetroRealms: Halloween on Switch