last movie you saw?

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Spiderman: Far from Home on Netflix. I was quite late but finally managed to watch it. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it quite a bit.
it was that one with that girl that just turned 18 I think. you know which one, right?

no but for real, Saving Private Ryan - a classic I like to come back to every now and then :) oh, but yeah, it is more accurate with the above mentioned one, as I watched that more recently :S
I look forward to watching this! I'm hoping to catch it in theaters. Last night we watched Halloween (2018) just to get a refresher.

You should watch it. The movie picks up right from the end of the first one. There's some flashback scenes going on a couple of times during the movie. That'll make more sense once you watch the movie.
It's been a while this thread was created, since 2008, it's still alive up to this moment. Kudos to @Demon_Skeith for managing this forum up to this day.

I don't put my eyes on movies much, I am simply online surfing many things, and writing alot too.

The last movie I've watched is fast and furious 6 which is over eleven months I watched it last.
You should watch it. The movie picks up right from the end of the first one. There's some flashback scenes going on a couple of times during the movie. That'll make more sense once you watch the movie.

Good to know! Thank you for the insight. I'm really looking forward to it! I don't know if we will get around to watching it this weekend. Perhaps next!
The last movie I watch was "Hypnotic" on Netflix - I thought it was really good! It's played by the same actor in "Hush". I totally recommend it for those that like suspense/thriller type films.
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