Last Time Killed

Cod: Black ops 2, got killed by a camper on that outside ledge on haijacked.
Super Bowser Bros. said:
Metal Gear Rising by Senaor Armstrong.
I just went through that too. Though on my 4th or 5th try I did beat him. (Even on normal he's a pain to fight. Reveangeance mode is going to be hard.)
It was the stage where Armstrong in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance throws stuff at you and you have to slash them. I'm not so good at aiming with a game pad so I kept failing the cross slashes and died all the time. It took me hours to beat him :(
Played Cat Mario after watching some youtuber rage over it. Needless to say, despite having watched people play and roughly knowing where the traps are, I end up giving up on the game.
Dark Souls :( Those ghosts in New Londo are so brutal to a Soul Level 1 character. I'm still just not sure how I'm going to get past them.