last tv show you watched?

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Finally just caught up with the last two episodes of Game of Thrones.   Absolutely love that series.   Just wish HBO had a tad longer seasons, as I always find myself yearning for more at the end.
High School of The Dead
I watched The Woody Woodpecker show with my girlfriend. I had actually never seen it as a kid, but I was always familiar with the character. I don't think we'll ever outgrow cartoons. xD
I'm currently watching Two and a Half Men. I never had the time to watch it before so I decided to watch it from the very start. It's a really hilarious show, makes me laugh a lot!
I just watched the Season 3 finale of Game of Thrones. As an avid book reader, I love the show so much! Everyone with an interest in politics or fantasy should definitely give it a try!
Last T.V. show i watched was The Wire. That show was raw, intense, well-acted and exciting. I really liked all of the storylines that were incorporated in that show. A lot of gritty stories that caught my interest and kept me on edge. 
Last tv show I watched was True Blood. I was almost going to stop watching the show last season, but this one seems to have potential. I like the conflict stirring up between humans and all the other supernaturals. 
Just finished watching my favourite Simpsons episode. Its the one where Frank Grimes works at the power planet or "Grimey" as he liked to be known.

Change the channel Marge.

I haven't really watched a TV show in awhile. but I did watch Kick Buttowski Last night. I would love to see the Game of Thrones series and finish watching all the Lost I missed.
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