Last video game you received as a gift

I won a copy of American truck simulator which I gave away since I already had one.

Other than that nothing, I mostly buy or download free games. To your question above I'm the opposite of giving games away in competition and steam ley on steamgifts
Received a Christmas present consisting of Battlefield Hardline for PS4. Had a good amount of fun playing it.
Christmas 2015 if that counts.
Resident Evil: Origins Collection for my birthday, my girlfriend knows I like Resident Evil so got me a boxed collection of the 'first 2' games (REmake and 0)
this 4th june(my b-day)..And my parents know my craze for vid games.

I got metal gear solid peacewalker and assassin's creed syndicate...excited!
I got FE Fates: Birthright for my birthday recently, and I'll be buying some other versions with some gift cards that I also got. I got FE Awakening last year for Christmas, so I was late with that game. But it got me hooked on the series.
For free I've gotten a bunch of indie games on IG, but an actual gift was Sakura Swim Club from a friend of mine. Damn those gag gifts! Too bad we live in a region disparity where I can't send him Bad Rats of something equally weird! I could just look up a key of something weird and do it that way though...
Pretty long ago, say about 12 years I think. It was a Christmas party in class, and the guy who got my name on the draw gave me a Celebrity Deathmatch game. I didn't even get to play it though, because during the activities in class, someone accidentally sat on my backpack, cracking the CD before I even got a chance to install it. Oh well, it probably would have been fun. But I didn't buy another one because it wasn't really my type of game, and whenever he asked how was the game, I just say random compliments and he always walked away smiling. I didn't have the heart to tell him the game he gave broke before I even got home.
To be honest I very rarely receive games as gifts, so it's hard to remember it's been that long ago! Off the top of my head I'd probably say it was FIFA 15 at that series of game usually comes out around my birthday so I have received a few of those in the past as presents.
Mass Effect 2, a Christmas gift back in 2010. Definitely great game and I've been a fan of the series ever since. I rarely get games as gifts, because I actually discourage people from this since I don't know if they'll pick something that I will like, and I feel bad when I don't enjoy the gift. I got a copy of Knights and Merchants for a birthday as a teenager and never managed to pay beyond the second mission - it was that boring!
Video games as gifts are awesome until someone gets you a game you hate, then it becomes a game lost in a pile of junk. For me, I always make very clear specific requests on what types of games I like. Recently a few weeks ago I received Bravely Default for the 3DS from a friend, and I am quite surprised about how good the game is. It is a turned based fighting game, reminding me of Pokemon, and it has a good and interesting storyline. I cannot wait to finish it to hopefully receive the sequel for a present too.
Before that I received Tetris Ultimate for PC, and that was a mistake, and I should have returned the present. It confounds me how long a game can take to be created but then once released, expectations fall dramatically.