Least Favorite Video Game Genre


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Are there any game genres that you just don't get or can't stand? I myself am not a big fan of the FPS and sports genre and like any non-fan, I see them all as being pretty much the same, and I'd almost say that players playing the same game in every version is boggling to me if only I didn't understand it to some degree due to my love of fighting games which are all pretty much the same as well.

Do you have any disliked video game genres, or do you play them all?
I have played games of almost all the genre. You name them, I have played them. From RTS, MOBAs, to shitty Korean MMOs and FPSs. I have tried them all. But only two genres I can't stand are the MOBAs and RTS. I just find them too boring or intricate to play. On the other hand, I have always been a fan of RPG genre. Can never get tired of it. 
I don't do much with FPS - it all looks the same and there generally isn't anything like a storyline. Other than that I can't stand RTS - I want to do stuff not just... I mean what is the point of RTS? I've never understood.
RTS! I have tried and tried to play them and each time I am more frustrated then the last time. And it really sucks because I have so many online friends who play them. But I have completely given up on the Genra.

Actually, it's more of the opposite for me. I mean, I tend to dislike almost all genres apart from a selected few which I truly enjoy. There are many genres which I can play to "waste time", and to some it might not be clear for when I am playing or doing something for fun, or just to pass the time. Sometimes it's not even very clear to myself.

I think reading books is spending my time well. I think spending my time on games with deep stories to be worth my time (typically PnC/walking simulators/indies).
I think playing FPS games are a waste of my time, but I still play those every once in a while.

As far as my absolute least favorite genre, it would probably be puzzles or sports. For puzzles, I'm just so horribly bad at puzzles that I cannot possibly even attempt to solve them, making them really boring. I can spend hours on a single puzzle, without figuring out what to do. It's not so that I'm less intelligent than other people, I would actually deem myself to be smarter than the average person, but for some reason I just cannot think in a way that puzzles requires me to. I do find that most puzzles make sense if someone tells me the solution: but I would never be able to figure out the answer myself, sadly.
This is mostly just a problem with PnCs, because many point a click games can have some really good stories, but they contain a ton of puzzles. I tend to cheat in these games, as in, as soon as there is a puzzle, I will just look up the solution. This might be ruining the game for some people, but for me, the fun thing with PnC games is the story: and not the puzzles.

Sports are rather self-explanitory. I don't particulary like sports in any shape or form. I never liked watching it, and I don't like participating it in either. I used to be a real sports fan a few years ago, and I must say that i have been a part of almsot every possible sports club you could think of through my life. I liked sports then, but I don't like it now. I do still exercise, and I think of sports as more of a way to exercise, than a fun activity.

And I agree, FPS games and Sports games all feel the same to me. I used to be a huge fan of CSS, and I once played CoD MW2 and I enjoyed that aswell. But after those (ps: there were several years in between the time I played CSS and later on CoD) two I really felt that most other FPS games were really just the same. I do have a desire to purchase CS:GO now, but really... That's mostly due to me wanting to play CSS again, but with updated graphics and such, and that's pretty much what CS:GO is.

To generalize, I have to say that... Sports games and FPS games will never be much different from today. Unless you change the sport itself, nothing is going to change, and FPSes aren't going to change... Because the only point with them is to have a gun and to kill someone else.

I'm sure other people could generalize in simlar ways to games and genres that I like myself, and I'm certain fans of said genres would think there is a lot of variety between the games, but personally: I don't really see it.
A tie for me between Sports and Fighting. I don't actively dislike them, I just don't really care for them.

Now, I find I count "Sports" as things like Madden and Fifa, as I'm alright with racing games (NFS, Burnout, Dirt 2), and I enjoyed the old Tony Hawk games. Although, NFL Blitz 2001 was amazing with a friend, as was that Snowboarding 1080 game for the N64. I also don't mind fighting in other games, like Sleeping Dogs, but regular fighting games like Tekken just don't appeal to me.

Like I said, I don't hate them, but I'm just not interested.
I think that my least favourite video game genre has to be racing. I just dont really like to play racing games. I think only unless they are fun then I would play them but if they aren't that fun then I dont really waste my time playing them.
I'm not a large fan of Hack and Slash games like GOW or Dynasty Warriors. I really want to like them but I think such a large focus on combating enemies with the same mechanics really isn't very entertaining. I can only listen to so many male grunting noises before I'd much rather turn the thing off. People know what they like though, so I can't blame anyone for liking any game in particular. My friends and I have really differing tastes in games so I respect when they explain why the games are fun to them. 
My least favorite is racing games. I feel like you get halfway through and everything gets repetitive. All you end up doing is unlocking paint jobs, rims, etc.. Stuff that doesn't have any real in game effect. I used to be a big fam of the Midnight Club and Mario Kart series, but now I can't say I've played either one in years
Without a doubt, racing (not Mario kart) and sports games are on the top of my list.
I hate puzzle-platformers, or platformers in general. I grew up with games like Mario, and I loved it back then. But I guess I grew out of it, as I can't stand anything that focuses on platforming (especially with puzzles), with a few exceptions. I only really like Super Meat Boy, Trine, and Mirror's Edge (Which technically is a platformer if you think about it). The rest of the bunch are all boring, uninspired, "nostalgic" titles that bore me to sleep.
Just sports games really. I don't like a lot of strategy ones though, although I love League of Legends. I don't like watching sports in general, stuff like golfing or basketball aren't appealing to me personally and so of course I won't enjoy playing those types of games either. Otherwise I can't really think of anything else I don't like.
I'm not a big fan of realistic sports games like Madden etc. I'm not a fan of racing/driving simulators (Though I do like more arcadey style racers) and I don't like most simulator style games in general. Asides from those genres, I like pretty much everything else.
Like others, I'm not a huge fan of first person shooters. Mostly because I get motion sickness which I suppose is more-so my problem than anything. That in mind, I'm also not too keen on World War 2 or some space future type of shooter either.

There's also a certain graphics style I'm just not feeling and it has always been those blocky games like Mario 64.
Most racing games;the realistic ones I mean. I just can't get into them. Every now and then, maybe when we're out at an arcade and the kids want a go, it's cool because you're sitting in the machine, or sitting on the bike leaning back and forth. But regularly, I just can't be bothered with them. Mario Kart is the exception however.

Also, MMORPG's. I tried WoW before but...I just didn't find it fun at all.
Most of the racing games I am really lousy at unless I can fly around in a 'coptor and shoot at people.  Sports games don't do much for me anymore, Madden football was fun when it was first released but after awhile I just simply lost interest.  Games do change but I think the creators of them lose site of what got the gamers into them in the first place.
I guess I would say zombie games, I can not play a game for anything that has a zombie in it. It just makes the game a lot less entertaining to me.