Let's Play Heroes of Ruin #1- The Quest Begins!


Pokemon Rookie

Another Let's Play I started. In this episode it is only me as I make my first character in the game and explore the first dungeon. I tried to focus on commentating a little more so I would not just become boring/not speak at all but I am still very new to this so it may take a couple tries to get used to it. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

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Thank you for watching ^_^ The game totally deserves a buy even though it's review scores are generally low. As long as you like playing multiplayer that is. if you are more into deep singleplayer stories then maybe stay away from this one.
this game is awesome, but the storyline is really short (about 7 hours) for a rpg.
if they made another game similar to this, with a extended storyline, it would definatly be great
I preordered this but I decided to hold off for New Super Mario Bros. 2. Great LP though
game looks great. I heard about the low reviews but I don't think they will stop me from getting this game.
It all depends on how much you like dungeon crawler rpg and/or online multiplayer. If you were thinking of playing this game mostly by yourself, I can see it getting boring after a while. I have played online a bit and have to say it is much more fun with others! I do recommend trying it out though as the review score were only low because of the visuals and short story, both of which did not bother me so much (there are new quests added each day and you can always go back and restart a dungeon for fun.)

Thanks for watching though! ^_^