All I remember is Yoshian's bullshit stories and me being Drybones765.
Hm, I don't remember ever making up "bulls**t" stories back then.
All I remember was being a member named L is real 2401 for some time, then switching over to Yoshian12 some months later.
You you impersonated him? Or just chose a name really similar?
I used to work in the L is Real's sprite shop back in the day. It was in the fanart section because there wasn't a sprites section yet.
My name was Emoluvjd2 back then. I was kind of a noob at first since DSU was the first forum I went to. My first signature had it's own scroll bar (this was before the vertical space limit on sigs.) My mood was always set to angelic, because I loved that one for some reason. I found the site through searching for SM64DS AR codes, (as did most people.) and joined in early 2009? I think. Fun fact: I was actually nervous about joining a forum, so I messaged one of the members through YouTube (WingedKoopa or something). I stuck around the AR section, but eventually wandered off into other parts. Off-topic was, and always is, busy. I remember, in late 2010 I believe, there was a huge flame war in off topic and people were trying say "cheat" (nin) should no longer admin. Since it was his site, and that would never happen... and it was a stupid idea that some trolls who later went to make a "rival" site did... the site got locked down for a while. I think when it came back it was in the new style? (A.K.A. the format 3DSC uses.) I actually threw together some icons for the new style that were used until NintenDan made the official icons. The site kept going strong, but then the 3DS was announced, so Nin decided to start fresh and make this site and close the old one.. And here we are today, nearly 2 years after N3DSC launched. Yaaay.
Favorite memories:
- Making (crappy) levels for the DSU Super Mario World hack.
- Special events
- Learning to sprite!
- Dan talking about rock and carrot masturbation in the masturbation topic that somehow popped up in the intelligent discussions sub-forum.
- Kyle looking up NintenDan's skirt near Christmas time.