LG launches first set of 3D Games dedicated to LG Smart TVs in Korea


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LG announced this morning the launch of its first series of 3D Games designed for its 3D Smart TV and its Wireless Joystick.

The Games, adapted from smartphone version includes Air Penguin, Frisbee Forever, Downhill Bowlling2, Burn City and Diversion.

This first batch from LG is just the tip of the iceberg and the company hopes to release more of them in the near future!


Neat, the LG Smart TV has a built-in game console which can play 3D games with a wireless Joystick. I wonder would these TV and games come to other countries.
I agree the games will mostly be bad to play for console gamers, but I think people looking for quick fixes like Facebook games, Wii Sports, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, etc may like some of these games. I got a feeling a lot of the games will be like playing cell phone or casual games, but on a big screen in 3D,

Some of the un-release or ub-mention games might be good if LG could find game companies to make console or PC quality games for their 3D Smart Tvs.

The Smart TV, and 3D glasses look good for gaming with a real console like 360, PS3, or Wii.
I still use 3D. And most TV's now come with it as if it's required, like HD.
The price of 3D TV is dropping, and pretty soon all TV would be 3D like HD, and color. You can always turn off 3D, and view games and movies in 2D. This TV is also a Smart TV meaning it has a built-in computer like Smartphones like the iPhone which let you install apps, and do PC tasks like e-mail, IM, music, etc from your phone or TV.

I read on a blog that people are not really buying newer TV because they are fine with their flat screen TVs they got years a go, and people are mostly just replacing broken TVs, or buying TVs with more features like 3D, Smart TV, webcams, microphone, voice recognitions, and internet connected TV with Wi-Fi, or wired internet.