Life is Strange


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Got this on the cheap in the PS4 spring sale recently. Apparently it was a very welcome surprise for gamers last year and was a fantastic game/story. Wanted to see if anyone had anything to say about it.
I've heard good things about it.
I've heard so many things about this one, especially a while ago, but I think that I never took the time to actually watch the trailer, and now I'm even more curious about it, I really like everything related with time control and all of those things, I think that they touch a specific spot in the deepest corner of our minds, controlling time and be able to change the things that we do to avoid bad things to happen seems to be everyone's wish, I think that's an extremely interesting concept, I really need to buy it.
I really, really liked this game... up to a certain point. I won't spoil it for anyone but the ending was too damn predictable and boring and it disregarded any choices you have made in the past, it's like you walked into a room and found two choices: "good ending", "bad ending", and the choices you made before you entered the room didn't matter at all. I hate when games do that. Other than that the first 4 episodes were awesome. It was a new experience for me to play this kind of story game with not much gameplay and with very unique game mechanics and controls, and it looks gorgeous on top of that. I'll recommend the game to anyone even with the disappointing ending(s), the 4 episodes alone are worth it.
This is a really unique gaming experience. I'd say it feels more like a storytelling/movie experience that everyone should sit through. The plot and underlying message of love in the story is really emotional.

Grab it this summer sale!
I enjoyed the story so far. I'm on the early episode 2. I'm so hyped for the ending. It felt like I'm just watching a movie but part of it. Haha. It's kinda hard to pick some choices sometimes.
I love this game, I really do. Such a unique gaming experience and so much to do. I've replayed it several times since my first playthrough doing all the combinations of choices to see how it would affect everything. This game touches on some deeper issues (don't want to spoil anything) but is also hilarious and sweet. An emotional but very fun game.
Never played the game, but I've also heard good things about it. I've seen it being played and it looked awesome, because all of the major decisions have at least a tiny impact on later stages of the game, which is making a game very dynamic and flexible, which is something I like a lot!
The game starts slow in my opinion but it builds up pretty amazing untill the end, i disliked the ending to be honest i dont want to spoil it for anyone but in my opinion it kinda undos your whole gameplay with one choice and with another one makes you kinda feel evil! Unless i missed something
I absolutely love Life is Strange. Chloe is my favorite, probably, she's so outspoken. I didn't really like the ending of the series but the ride was worth it. The part about Kate made me cry my eyes out :(
I have heard so many good things about this one! And also the other day I took the time to watch a game play on YouTube and it was amazing, I love how different? this game is, when it comes to me, I feel that it brings a new concept about decisions, I guess... and well, on real life we don't really stop to think about every single decision we make but in this game, it really show you how can this decision affect drastically your life... It's a shame that I haven't played it yet :(.
I highly recommend anyone to play this game! I bought the whole thing immediately after checking out the first episode and had been playing it as each episode came out, and it was an experience I'll really cherish for a long time. The decisions have a lot of depth, the characters are three dimensional, and the game itself has a truly unique ambiance. It has the soundtrack of an indie film combined with the gameplay of a Telltale adventure. If either of those sound appealing, it's a must-buy. (The dialogue can be a little cringey, but I sort of love it anyway).
Finished the game a month or so ago and like the rest of the people in the thread, recommend it to everyone. It is cheap in the sale currently I believe, and not a bad price anyway so is definitely worth picking up. I would definitely play a sequel.
Apparently this game is a big deal. They are giving away the first episode for free (1 of 5 episodes) and it's basically the tutorial section of the game. A demo, in a nutshell. It has an insane rating in Steam (96%) so apparently it's that good. If you're trying to save money it's $5 currently at the sale, so you may as well grab it quickly because the sale ends in a couple of hours.
Couldn't really get into this. I'm on the final chapter and have been for months. Just don't feel like playing it, not my type of story.
I've never played it, but I watched someone on YouTube play it. It has an amazing story and I like how it gives you choices that effects the story. However, it's not a game I would sit down and play myself. I'm very uncomfortable with the drug use and underage drinking. I know it's part of the story, but as someone who's never gotten into it, I just feel weird.