Looking for online friends



Hi! I'm eyomme. Please add to your 3ds friends list. I usually play MK7, DOA: Dimensions, Tekken 3d, and Kid icarus. I also like using swapnote! Here's my fc: 1375-8299-1480. Just post here if you already added me and don't forget to post your fc as well! Thanks!
Hello, I have MK7 and will be getting Kid Icarus: Uprising in a 2 weeks, my friend code is on the left and I've added you.
Hi fuzzii!! I'll add you as soon as i get home today. Just give me 10 hours. Thanks!
Wow 10 hours lol, sure man no problem, I'm not in a big hurry or anything
Glad to be your new Nintendo 3DS friend!
I have added you cookie. Thanks! Looking forward to play with you!!