PS5 Man Shot While Trying To Sell His PlayStation 5


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As ABC13 reports, a young man from Harris County, Texas had listed his PlayStation 5 console for sale online over the weekend, where a supposedly interested buyer had seen the ad and made contact.

The pair agreed to meet up on a street at 1:30pm on Sunday, but when he arrived the “buyer” pulled out a firearm and tried to steal the console from the seller. It’s not clear what happened next, but for whatever reason the assailant shot the 19 year-old “in the side” then escaped without having stolen the console, which was left behind.

The victim was rushed to a local hospital where he’s in a stable condition with “non-life-threatening injuries”. Police were unable to release a description of the suspect.
This is why I'm never ever bothering to sell directly to someone through a marketplace. If I want to get rid of some tech, it's getting sent to one of those companies that will pay me for it.
That's ridiculous, this incident will make others who meet face to face for negotiation to feel skeptic. I do this kind of trade offline via my locality. All have been successful, no obscurity like this. I felt so pity hearing this sad news how a buyer shot the seller of a PS5 console. I am happy because the seller is very much alive. Police should investigate the incident properly and get the culprit who shot the seller, he's a criminal even if he didn't succeed to take the PS5 away.
I highly advise that people go to a local location near them they know well bustling with traffic and in broad daylight. I go to a place very near my local police station.
Hopefully, the victim of the shooting quickly recovers from his gun shot injury, and the shooter gets arrested. It is good to hear that the victim is alive.

It is sad to hear that criminals still use guns to commit crimes, and are willing to kill someone for a PS5.
This is why I'm scared to sell things online. I don't want to have to meet people in person and end up in a situation like this. People are crazy.
If you do want to sell online, sell it via Ebay or other similar companies and just send it by mail to the buyer without the need of meeting face to face.
I feel using eBay is the safest option to sell a game console since you don't need to meet face to face, and using a rented P.O. box mailbox address as the return address can be a good idea if you want to keep your home address private.
I would never meet anyone I'm selling something to, as others have said just send it by courier, especially if its something expensive like a PS5