Mario Kart 7 All New Game Nights


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Full GL Member
The New Mario Kart 7 Game Nights need people to join in order to have some fun.​
Go put your name down below if you have Mario Kart 7 and want to join.​
I will be editing this post to put down times for the nights and also the people who have joined.​


****Time of Game Nights****


****Community Code****​
Now you can also add me as a friend if you would know when i'm online​
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Wow... we need more people.
Why isn't anyone else coming...
Also SVM i was trying to get you to come on the community to play MK7 with me. Then you came off.

I just bought Mario Kart 7 recently, and I'm not that good but I'm definitely down to play. How does it work? I just put in the community code?
You go to online multiplayer, go to communities then type in the code and your find it. I am still sorting out my Mario Kart Online.
But yes i will update the post with your names. Also i will update it on when the date of it is.
Ill join my fc is under my profile pic and SONICvMARIO and I WILL SHOW YOU HOW GOOD ☆SKS☆ IS
I would love to join! Do i just need to add the FC of everyone here?

Only possible issue is time zone & work. But i'm sure i could work things out :grin:
I'll play too! My friend code is on the left, just update me about this event.

Oh... and send me a message letting me know you added me..
Alright we have a great amount of people who have joined.
So i will update with you all.
I am still having problems with my online mario kart. So stay tuned :(