Mario Kart 7 Community Sharing


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Full GL Member
Hi all, this is a topic for Mario Kart 7 Community Sharing. I'll try and maintain a general list of communities here by all members.

If you want to advertise your communities for other members to join, do so here. If you make another topic for your community, I will grab your code, put it in this topic and delete your topic to avoid too many community topics popping up (I'll let you know if this happens too).

To have your topic listed below, simply post with your community. A short description wouldn't hurt either. I will also list you as a contact person should other members wish to engage with the community owner/representative.

N3DSC does have it's own community, as part of our game nights, which can be found here.

N3DSC Mario Kart 7 Game Nights Community
150cc Racing for all N3DSC Members to enjoy! Make new friends and have fun with organised game nights!


Member Made Communities

Mario Smash (contact via PM/profile comment)

  • Battle Stations (22-8062-8795-1032)
    An all items Balloon Battle!

[*]Super Smash Cup (45-4837-1527-3894)
  • 150cc, all items racing fun!

[*]Coin Contest (59-9233-9532-2997)
  • Coin Runner shenanigans with all items

Bartzy (contact via PM/profile comment)

  • Plaza members gaining (64-4374-0663-2737)
    For gaining plaza members, and getting the party going!

Tiger21820 (contact via PM/profile comment)

  • Tiger's Island (09-9127-9224-9998)
    150cc, all items, and the icon is Wario! Racing fun!

Matejovsky (contact via PM/profile comment)

  • MK7 Midwest, USA (48-5116-6822-8681)
    An all items, 100cc community designed specifically for Mario Kart 7 racers in the midwest USA! Good for if you're experiencing lag and live in this general region

DarkPit64 (contact via PM/profile comment)

  • DP64's Community (53-0471-5371-1780)
    150cc, all items frenzy with a Blue Shell as the icon! *shudders* Blue Shells...
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Hoorah! N3DSC community! Also Dan, I never realized the Shenanigan Guy in your Signature is missing a face. Yay, SlenderDan!
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all of my communities are all items!
I'll sign up tonight because I'm looking for people to race! See you all on the course!
My community:

Number: 09-9127-9224-9998
Name: Tiger's Island
Disc.: Island Of Tigers
Items: All
Class: 150cc Grand Prix
Icon: Wario
Sorry I took so long to add your community Tiger! Doing it now!

And remember guys, the official Mario Kart 7 community for this site is right here!
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I find my Internet connection is most stable in my region (tried racing a guy from Florida 600mi away and it kept "communication error"-ing on me). So I made a regional group!

MK7 Midwest, USA

Still new but I'd love some competition and not worry about connectivity issues!
I find my Internet connection is most stable in my region (tried racing a guy from Florida 600mi away and it kept "communication error"-ing on me). So I made a regional group!

MK7 Midwest, USA

Still new but I'd love some competition and not worry about connectivity issues!

Mind telling me the details of your community (all items? 150cc?) so that I can add it to the list? Also, sucks to hear that you get connectivity issues like that, I hope they improve one day!
Sorry Dan!
Here it is,

MK7 Midwest, USA
All items
Steering wheel icon

I know the games designed for competative international and social racing, but it'd be kind of cool to have area specific genre as well (plus it helps aid the connection issues). Think it'd be cool if people made a community for every major region.
There we go, all added. I never really thought about how communication errors can pose a problem with regards to playing across multiple regions. Any idea why it's been happening? (e.g. bad internet connection or something?)
Yeah I looked it up from Nintendo because it's especially bad for the resident evils. Apparently Internet strength and speed for BOTH/ALL connected parties has to be strong. Distance weakens this as does orientation of wifi signal, and any radio frequencies emitted from phones, computers, remotes, etc.

Nintendo suggest being within 30 feet of the wifi source and orientate the 3ds to face towards it without any walls or devices interrupting the signal within the path. Then it's up to Internet provider, speed, and distance.

It's pretty common for the 3DS (Error: 006-0612, communication/connection error)
Yeah I looked it up from Nintendo because it's especially bad for the resident evils. Apparently Internet strength and speed for BOTH/ALL connected parties has to be strong. Distance weakens this as does orientation of wifi signal, and any radio frequencies emitted from phones, computers, remotes, etc.

Nintendo suggest being within 30 feet of the wifi source and orientate the 3ds to face towards it without any walls or devices interrupting the signal within the path. Then it's up to Internet provider, speed, and distance.

It's pretty common for the 3DS (Error: 006-0612, communication/connection error)

Well you're not alone, I have gotten many a connection error in my time. I did get a boost in speed with my Internet lately, but that said, I haven't been Mario Karting frequently to say whether or not there's a drop in errors, but so far, so good!

Mine: DP64's community: 53-0471-5371-1780 150cc racing, icon is Blue Shell

Added! Though I'm assuming it's all items. If it isn't, let me know.
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My Community: HootOwls Only (a hootowl is an owl city fan) Yoshi is the icon and the code is 24-6617-1550-2548
Join my Glitch Finders Community, where I look for glitches that are in
the game! The code is 28-5143-0309-2122. Please join this! It would
really help! (I do know that some major glitches are patched, but there
are some glitches that aren't respawn glitches, and it's fun to find out
what happens when the developers didn't intend people to be smart and
figure out these hard-to-do but fun glitches.)

1. Don't race in this community! This is made for finding glitches and not racing against other people

2. My knowledge of the glitches in this game are limited, which means
there are a lot of glitches out there that I don't know. So if you know
of a glitch, vote for a course, and if it get's picked, show the glitch that you know!

Mode Settings: 150cc Mushrooms only, Wheel icon
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Sup. Okay, I have a community for ya. But there are only like 4 or 5 players... :/ Can I still put it down?